Tag: Vodou – Vodun – Voodoo
Pagan heritage: Connecting to your roots and finding common ground
My understanding of my Pagan heritage is something that has changed, evolved, and grown over the years, and I'm sure it will continue to do so.
Not my Burning Times: Witch trials, oppression, and magical identity making
Witch hunts and witch trials are a real part of the historical record, but is invoking them in today’s, modern magical communities helpful?
African pantheons: A primer
Learning more about African pantheons can seem difficult, here is a primer to build basic information for curious people who are just starting.
Enchanted resistance: A history of political magick
Political magick has been used as a form of protest for centuries. Read about these historical moments to see how we can use these lessons today.
Black witch resources: Getting started
Black witch doesn't mean dark magick, it means that the practitioner identifies as Black. The magical traditions of Black people are more than Voodoo.
Jailbreaking the Goddess, by Lasara Firefox Allen
I highly recommend Jailbreaking the Goddess to people who are unfamiliar with intersectional feminism and magick, and for creating new communities.
The Columbine Effect, by Beth Winegarner
Sheds light on perceived as darkness and points out the most dangerous part of any occult practice is the lack of knowledge that causes fear of the unknown.
Afro-Brazilian Tarot, by Alice Santana and Guiseppe Palumbo
Afro-Brazilian Tarot, by Alice Santana and Guiseppe Palumbo Kit: Llewellyn Worldwide, 0738709603, 78 cards plus instruction booklet, 2006 I’m not sure what I expected when I...
Vodou Shaman, by Ross Heaven
This book will open many pathways for you, and is well worth the investment of time and energy it requires.