Tag: stephen flowers
The Fraternitas Saturni, by Stephen E. Flowers
The Fraternitas Saturni by Stephen E. Flowers is the fourth revised and enlarged edition and it explains the origins of the order.
Infernal Geometry and the Left-Hand Path, by Toby Chappell
What drew me to want to read Infernal Geometry and the Left-Hand Path was that I wanted to learn about a subject I knew very little about.
Original Magic, by Stephen E. Flowers
Original Magic: Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi by Stephen E. Flowers shares the practice of Zoroastrianism.
A spell of awe and protection: The Washing Verse
The Washing Verse is a versatile spell from the Icelandic grimoire tradition. The main intention behind it is protection. The act of washing is used to remove all the negative projections that people cast on you. It therefore adopts a quality of purification.
Words of the magi: An interview with Alan Chapman and Duncan...
Alan Chapman and Duncan Barford of The Baptist's Head and Open Enlightenment were kind enough to answer several questions I put to them.
What is magick?
Aleister Crowley says, "Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will."
On Being a Pagan, by Alain de Benoist
On Being a Pagan is serious, compelling and erudite. I sincerely hope the deceptive cover succeeds in drawing greater attention to this work, as its message is one which should be heard, understood and intelligently integrated into modern Paganism that has yet to shake its past.
Carnal Alchemy, by Crystal Dawn and Stephen Flowers
Overall, Carnal Alchemy is an intelligent primer on sex magick incorporating BDSM, and well recommended.