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Tag: Spirituality

Shaman Priest

To: soc.religion.shamanism From: tyagihouseofkaos.abysscom (nagasiva, tyagi) Subject: shamanism Kali Yuga 49941018 Traditions are powerful indicators of ability, but they are not the only tools of detection. After all,...

Web of Power & The Spirit World

One of the most basic beliefs of shamanism is the belief in the web of power that runs through all things. Shamans believe that...

Learning About Shamanism

As you start to practice shamanism in your life you will start to see obstacles being removed from your path and things starting to...

The Academic Question of Shamanic Studies

To: soc.religion.shamanism From: deanenetcomcom (Dean Edwards) Subject: Re: The Academic Question of Shamanic Studies Date: 16 Nov 1994 06:49:52 GMT ...Each person has their own experience. This is...

OTO degrees

Subject: Re: SV: Ordos Templis Orientalis Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 00:34:40 +0200 From: "Captain Bjørn Ursfjord" < ursfjordpowertechno > Organization: PowerTech, +47-2301-0000 Newsgroups: alt.religion.wicca, alt.magick William Edward Woody...

Moon Phase Terminology

New Moon: The Moon is not illuminated by direct sunlight. Here, the Moon is Maiden. Waxing Crescent: The visible Moon is partly but less than one-half illuminated...


2 February NH 31 July SH First Full Moon in Aquarius ((Note: Depending on the Tradition practiced, and the location, it may be celebrated on different...

Moon Phase Terminology

New Moon: The Moon is not illuminated by direct sunlight. Here, the Moon is Maiden. Waxing Crescent: The visible Moon is partly but less than one-half illuminated...

Interpretations of the Gods

Subject: Re: Directly connecting with the higher power Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 00:40:29 -0500 To: chaoskaosonelistcom From: Psyche < psychespiralnaturecom > dpalmerlinxcomcom wrote: << Ok, here goes....

Rightful Pride of Self

Perhaps self-evident in the philosophy of Luciferianism are the concepts of pride and ambition.

Eclectic Satanism

Eclectic Satanism is just that -- eclectic. It draws from diverse sources and combine ideas into a type of "personal religion."
Lucifer, photo by Los Mininos


Luciferianism, like Satanism itself, has a multitude of forms; primarily being of a Traditionalist slant, and Modernist slant.

Weekly Horoscope

Occultnik Cabal



Tattoo Tarot, illustrated by Megamunden

Tattoo Tarot