Tag: Spirituality
Some notes towards a paradigm connected to contemplation
The current boiling cultural vortex demands of us who wish to live an examined life, the investigation and use of any and all thought...
The Coven
Greetings All! This article was written by me several years ago, but I thought it might be of interest here, as it discusses several issues...
Shamanism-General Overview-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Newsgroups: soc.religion.shamanism,sci.anthropology, Newsgroups: alt.out-of-body,alt.dreams.lucid,soc.answers Newsgroups: sci.answers,alt.answers,news.answers From: deane@netcom.com (Dean Edwards) Subject: Shamanism-General Overview-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Summary: This FAQ contains a general overview on shamanism. It should be read...
The riddle of the Trickster: A cross-cultural overview
Trickster is a creator, a transformer, a joker, a truth teller, a destroyer.
Reflections on old guard Paganism
'Old Guard Paganism'. The phrase started out as a joke, but then caught on. This tells us something. It tells us there is a...
The earth is a witch: Ecofeminism, deep ecology, and the Pagan...
Recent decades have been a time of great change on this Earth, our home; much of it, sadly, change for the worse.
Review: Wicca Spellcraft for Men, by A. J. Drew
Wicca Spellcraft for Men, by A. J. Drew New Page, 2001 The subtitle of this book gave me some trouble as soon as I saw...
Satanic Ethics
Any philosophy must, as a matter of course, at least imply a code of moral ethics for its followers to espouse.
A Study in Shamanism
Shaman (pronounced SHAH-maan) is a word from the language of the Tungus people of Siberia. A Shaman is a man or woman who enters...
Touch the Earth
No matter what, home is the ground upon which we walk, which has always been there for us and always offers herself to us tenderly.
Western Shamanism
From: deanenetcomcom (Dean Edwards) Subject: Greek Shamanism & Journeys of Soul To: alexandria@world.std.com (Alexandria) Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 10:39:30 -0700 (PDT) GREEK SHAMANISM AND JOURNEYS OF SOUL In...