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Tag: Spirituality

Discordian Magick

-><- -><- -><- -><- -><- -><- -><- -><- -><- -><- -><- -><- -><- The Principles of Discordian Magick - A Very Loose Discussion A...

Review: Clan of the Goddess, by C. C. Brondwin

Clan of the Goddess: Celtic Wisdom and Ritual for Women, by C. C. Brondwin New Page Books, 1564146049, 2002 Okay, I can already hear the...

Review: The Practical Pagan, by Dana D. Eilers

The Practical Pagan: Commonsense Guidelines for Modern Practitioners, by Dana D. Eilers Career Press, 1-56414-601-4, 2002 As I began reading the Introduction to this book, I...
star of david by will2988 (flickr)


If a chemist from the twentieth century could step into a time-machine and go back two-hundred years he or she would probably feel a...

Optional Methods of Defining Sacred Space and Time

The stock ADF ritual outline, published in Druid's Progress #4, calls for a processional. The purpose of the processional is consecrate and define sacred...
Smudge, photo by latisha (herbmother)

Smudging: How to do it, and how not to do it

Smudging is a way of using the smoke from burning herbs as a way to cleanse the body, an object, or a given area of negative influences.

Introduction to the history of Taoism

A Brief History This page provides an extremely concise introduction to Taoism from a historical point of view. The main events in the history of...

The Manifestation of Kali in Universe as an Astrophysical Anomaly

There is no light, nor any motion. There is no mass, nor any sound. Still, in the lampless heart of the ocean, Fasten me down and hold...

Buddhism: The Religion of Thailand

Printed for free distribution. We live in the eternal Now, and it is Now that we create our destiny. It follows, that to grieve over...

List of Five

Newsgroups: alt.meditation From: khladkynessie (Karel Hladky) Subject: Lists of Five Message-ID: < 1993Jul2.121928.22937@nessie.mcc.ac.uk > Sender: newsnessie.mcc.ac.uk (Usenet News System) Organization: Manchester Computing Centre X-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL5 Date: Fri, 2...

Notes on the performance of the Gnostic Mass

Numerous considerations go into the successful performance of Liber XV. In this short essay I will present a number of both general and specific...

NAFTI – A New Threat

Subject: You've probably read this elsewhere... Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 16:59:31 -0000 From: "Victor" < baphomet257yahoocom > To: zenseiderz I've identified a unique form of hypocrisy...

Weekly Horoscope

Occultnik Cabal



Tattoo Tarot, illustrated by Megamunden

Tattoo Tarot