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Tag: sigils

Self-love magick: Three spells of healing and self-care

Self-love magick: Three spells of healing and self-care

When was the last time you thought:I love myself! I’m a good person! I love my life!...
Tattoo magick, part II: Bodily placement and methods of tattooing at Spiral Nature

Tattoo magick: Placement and methods

In tattoo magick there are symbols we can place on our skin that will work magick to bring about our will.
Dreams of Dragons and Dragon Kin Coloring Book

Dreams of Dragons and Dragon Kin Coloring Book

I have always loved dragons, so when I saw Dreams of Dragons and Dragon Kin Coloring Book I wanted to check it out. I have seen a lot of adult colouring books in stores over the past couple of years since they have become popular, but this one was different. It was about dragons!
Strange sigil, photo by Alexander Synaptic

Sigil magick: Down and dirty

One of the simplest forms of magick to do is sigil magick. Sigils can be found throughout the magick world, and are often used...
Broom by Rudolf Vlček (flickr)

Secret witch: Magick when you’re stuck in the broom closet

Are you a secret witch? Not everyone can be open with their spiritual practice.. Here are some tips and tricks for covert magick.
Circuit board, photo by Creativity103

How to use technology for better magick

Technology and magick can be used together for greater magick. These devices, apps, and websites will help grow and manage your practice.
Jailbreaking the Goddess, by Lasara Firefox Allen

Jailbreaking the Goddess, by Lasara Firefox Allen

I highly recommend Jailbreaking the Goddess to people who are unfamiliar with intersectional feminism and magick, and for creating new communities.
Plague doctor, Wellcome Library, London

Four Thieves: From medicine to magick

The legend of the Four Thieves blend is shrouded in history and myth, can be used for one's health as medicine and can also be used for magick.
Magical journal, photo by Barry Silver

Why you should keep a magical journal

The gratification that comes along with creating a magical journal is reward in and of itself.
Urban garden, photo by PerennialsPhotos

5 ways to connect with nature as an urban Pagan

If you’re like me, stuck in the concrete jungle, I’ve found five ways to help you ground yourself, and infuse a little bit of green into the dreary grey.
The High Magic of Talismans and Amulets, by Claude Lecouteux

The High Magic of Talismans and Amulets, by Claude Lecouteux

The summary of the talismanic art is broad, drawing on more sources than just Agrippa and The Picatrix.
Spiral Nature Letters, Mailbox background by RaSeLaSeD - Il Penguino, with additional work by Psyche

Are you ready for spellwork?

Well, it depends, but ultimately, I would say that if you're asking this question, you're probably ready to begin with spellwork.

Weekly Horoscope

Occultnik Cabal



Tattoo Tarot, illustrated by Megamunden

Tattoo Tarot