Tag: samhain
Samhain, by Diana Rajchel
There is something for everyone in the pages of Samhain: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Halloween.
Bust inner ghosts with tarot
With this tarot reading, you prepare to look at your shadow or inner ghosts.
The Journey into Spirit, by Kristoffer Hughes
Lyrical, sensitive and thoughtfully wise, The Journey into Spirit gives the reader a compassionate space to rethink beliefs about death.
The Wicca Deck, by Sally Morningstar
I was pleased with the basic Wiccan themes of the deck and Morningstar’s creativeness in interpreting them.
Night of the Witches, by Linda Raedisch
Night of the Witches: Folklore, Traditions and Recipes for Celebrating Walpurgis Night, by Linda Raedisch Llewellyn Worldwide, 978-0-7387-2058-6, 238 pp., 2011 This is a book which...
Southern hemisphere Paganism: How differing seasonal cycles affect sabbat dates
How do Pagans in the southern hemisphere accommodate the differences in their seasons when most of the Pagan literature is focused on more northern...
31 October NH 30 April SH First Full Moon in Scorpio Most people are more familiar with Samhain than some of the other Wiccan and neo-pagan festivals...