Tag: Reviews
Alice: The Wonderland Oracle
Lucy Cavendish and Jasmine Becket Griffith have revamped a timeless classic in Alice: The Wonderland Oracle.
Happier Now, by Nataly Kogan
Happier Now isn’t about learning how to live a life in which you are happy, without pain, sadness, or struggle. It is a guide to resilience.
I Ching Oracle Cards
I Ching Oracle Cards by Lunaea Weatherstone attempts to simplify this traditional Chinese system of divination with mixed results.
Messenger Oracle App
The Messenger Oracle App is suitable for beginners or more experienced readers, and makes a great digital deck to take with you.
Animal Allies and Gemstone Guardians
The cards in Animal Allies and Gemstone Guardians are designed to connect you to your guardian animal and link you to your resonating gemstone.
Harmonic Origins of the World, by Richard Heath
In his latest book, The Harmonic Origins of the World, Richard Heath illuminates ancient mysteries revealed within megalithic monuments such as Stonehenge.
A Year of Living Happily, by Lois Blyth
A Year of Living Happily is based on the idea we should make a conscious effort to appreciate the good things and think in a positive way.
Holy Rascals, by Rami Shapiro
In Holy Rascals, Rabbi Rami Shapiro describes those who give humour to spirituality, not to destroy faith, but to show the ridiculousness involved.
Shaman’s Oracle
The Shaman’s Oracle by John Matthews and Wil Kinghan provides a unique take on oracles by drawing on the traditions of ancient shamans.
By Wolfsbane and Mandrake Root, by Mélusine Draco
In By Wolfsbane and Mandrake Root, Mélusine Draco sets out to reintroduce poisonous plants into the arsenal of witches who have forgotten them.
Celtic Tarot
The Celtic Tarot by Kristoffer Hughes and Chris Down draws upon a rich folklore replete with heroic and mysterious characters, quests, and magick.
Advanced Shamanism, by James Endredy
James Endredy shares his wisdom of shamanic practice in Advanced Shamanism.