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Color Your Tarot, by Barbara Moore

Color Your Tarot, by Barbara Moore

Colouring is emerging as a favorite pastime and method for meditation, and Color Your Tarot provides you with a customized deck and a contemplative tool.
The Finger and the Moon, by Alejandro Jodorowsky

The Finger and the Moon, by Alejandro Jodorowsky

The Finger and the Moon is a collection of Japanese and Japanese Zen stories, teachings, and koans as recounted by Alejandro Jodorowsky.
Hands, photo by Nate Steiner

Everyday Palmistry, by Heather Roan Robbins

Everyday Palmistry is a great book that provides a solid foundation for exploring palmistry for anyone who is curious about this craft.
Malas, photo by jonbrew

The Magical Use of Prayer Beads, by Jean-Louis de Biasi

The Magical Use of Prayer Beads provides unique rituals for four living traditions that will allow your practice to grow more sacred by their use.
Divination of the Ancients

Divination of the Ancients

The Divination of the Ancients oracle cards depict age-old divinatory practices that will assist you with choices great and small.
Dreaming the Divine, by Scott Cunningham

Dreaming the Divine, by Scott Cunningham

Dreaming the Divine by Scott Cunningham is a multilayered work that offers a thorough introduction to the practices associated with sacred sleep.
Secrets of the Combined Astrology, by Zakariya Adeel

Secrets of the Combined Astrology, by Zakariya Adeel

Secrets of the Combined Astrology is a strong reference book, and it contains very detailed information on working with both eastern and western astrology.
The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic and Mysticism

The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic and Mysticism

The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic & Mysticism, offers a fascinating glimpse into many obscure facets of Jewish tradition.
Rainbow Runes, by Lo Scarabeo

Rainbow Runes

This is a beautiful set of runes made from a range of stones including: cherry quartz, white jade, hematite, watermelon crystal, and green aventurine.
The Goddess and the Shaman, by J. A. Kent

Goddess and the Shaman, by J. A. Kent

The Goddess and the Shaman revolves around the challenge of reconciling magical experience and practice with a culture of scientific materialism.
Grapes, photo by Sergio Russo

The Dionysian Spirit, by Sean Fitton

The Dionysian Spirit focuses on syncretic practices and theory, demonstrating why Dionysian rites were so different from mainstream ancient Greek religion.
Astrology, Plain and Simple, by Cass and Janie Jackson

Astrology, Plain and Simple, by Cass and Janie Jackson

I’m always looking for good introductory books, so when Astrology, Plain & Simple claimed to be "The Only Book You’ll Ever Need," I got excited.

Weekly Horoscope

Occultnik Cabal



Tattoo Tarot, illustrated by Megamunden

Tattoo Tarot