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Tag: ray sherwin

Roots, image by Peter Rosbjerg

Chaotes then and now

It's hardly surprising that something called "chaos magick" is in flux, both in terms of what is classed as chaos magick and the people it attracts.
Detial from Liber Null, by Peter Carroll

Top 5 chaos magick books

It continues to surprise me how often I am asked for recommendations of chaos magick books.

Chaos magick: Doing what works and more

Chaos magick is results-oriented; it requires an honest appraisal of one's work and the effects achieved -- especially when results are not evident.

Kaostar!, by Francis Breakspear

Kaostar! will inspire strange thoughts, and this is a good thing.
Books, photo by az

Psyche’s list of chaos magick books

This list of chaos magick books was first published in an information pamphlet created for the Hamilton Pagan Harvest Festival in September 2007.

Review: The Singing Tadpole & Best Before the End of the...

The Chaos Magick Audio CDs, Volume 6: The Singing Tadpole & Best Before the End of the World, performances by Ray Sherwin & Nigel...
Sigil, photo from Aaron Muszalski

Fireclown’s sigilization basics for the confused

Sigilization, or sigil magick, is generally attributed to Austin Osman Spare.

Weekly Horoscope

Occultnik Cabal



Tattoo Tarot, illustrated by Megamunden

Tattoo Tarot