Tag: ramsey dukes
Chaotes then and now
It's hardly surprising that something called "chaos magick" is in flux, both in terms of what is classed as chaos magick and the people it attracts.
Chaos magick: Doing what works and more
Chaos magick is results-oriented; it requires an honest appraisal of one's work and the effects achieved -- especially when results are not evident.
Uncle Ramsey’s Little Book of Demons, by Ramsey Dukes
Uncle Ramsey's Little Book of Demons: The Positive Advantages of the Personification of Life's Problems, by Ramsey Dukes Aeon Books, 1904658091, 256 pp. (including...
Review: Liber Malorum: Children of the Apple, edited by Sean Scullion
Liber Malorum: Children of the Apple, edited by Sean Scullion PagAnarchy Press, 9780955798405, 523 pp., 2008 This is a compilation work. There are twenty...