Tag: pranayama and breathwork
What is mindfulness, anyway? Reviews of five new books
Sure, mindfulness won't solve all your problems, but it may bring realization, joy, and more spiritual awareness into your life.
Meditation: Four techniques to get you started
Meditation has become very popular in western culture in the last few decades, mostly thanks to spirituality and Buddhism becoming more acceptable in the mainstream. More and more people are becoming interested in the various benefits, but might not know that there are many types of meditation that give different benefits, and each has a different history. Here I will give a brief rundown of four beginner-friendly types of meditation, and give the history of each, as well as teach you how to get started on your own regiment. All of these methods serve different purposes and will suit different people, but one might find themselves practising each of them at different points throughout their spiritual practice.
Room to Breathe, by Sharon Salzberg
Room to Breathe is easy to listen to, simple to learn from, yet you can come back and begin again, and hear something that deepens your awareness each time.
Connected breathwork and subtle energy
Energy magick is the sensing and manipulation of what appear to be streams of subtle energy, life-force, qi or prana.