Tag: Paganism
2 February NH 31 July SH First Full Moon in Aquarius ((Note: Depending on the Tradition practiced, and the location, it may be celebrated on different...
Moon Phase Terminology
New Moon: The Moon is not illuminated by direct sunlight. Here, the Moon is Maiden. Waxing Crescent: The visible Moon is partly but less than one-half illuminated...
Are You a God/dess?
Are you a God/dess? Take this simple test and find out! 1. When you invite people over to your house for a party, they: 1....
Coven Pecking Order
Ever wonder what all those degrees and titles are for? Here's your answer! Neophyte: Runs into small buildings, recognizes a locomotive two out of three times,...
Magickal Types
Is this the first time you've seen this many Pagans together? Well, you're in for a deflowering, young earth-worshipper, and you've come to the...
Top 10 Cheesy Beltane Pick-up Lines
10. Hey babe, what's your sign? What's it's ascendant? What is your planet alignment in Venus during Cancer's revolving around the Fourth House? 9. Read...
31 October NH 30 April SH First Full Moon in Scorpio Most people are more familiar with Samhain than some of the other Wiccan and neo-pagan festivals...
Witchcraft versus Wicca
Witchcraft is, literally, the 'craft of the witch'. Which is the skill of being able to work magick; especially magick utilizing personal power in...
There have been a number of questions about acquiring a Craft-name, or, as it is also commonly called a 'Wiccan name'. There are three basic...
Witches in Literature and Lore
Fair is foul, and foul is fair,/Hover through fog and filthy air" WITCHES, "MACBETH," ACT I SCENE i. Macbeth's witches are three strong, female...
The wheel of the year: the story of the seasons
Like many things to do with Wicca, this is fluid. There are overlaps and paradoxes. Each individual Wiccan, or coven can and should evolve his or her own picture from feelings and responses.
Sacred north
Certain directions have always been considered more sacred than others. The altar is placed in the north in Wiccan traditions, or in the centre, facing north.