Tag: oracles
Magickal Spellcards
I was so excited when the Magical Spellcards finally arrived, that I opened the box as I walked home from the post office.
Halloween Oracle App
The Halloween Oracle App, by Stacey Demarco and with art by Jimmy Manton, is one of the best surprises this year has given me.
Peace Oracle: Guidance for Challenging Times
The Peace Oracle is a deck worth purchasing, especially for the gorgeous images it contains. Each card focuses on a different aspect of peace.
Alice: The Wonderland Oracle
Lucy Cavendish and Jasmine Becket Griffith have revamped a timeless classic in Alice: The Wonderland Oracle.
I Ching Oracle Cards
I Ching Oracle Cards by Lunaea Weatherstone attempts to simplify this traditional Chinese system of divination with mixed results.
Messenger Oracle App
The Messenger Oracle App is suitable for beginners or more experienced readers, and makes a great digital deck to take with you.
Animal Allies and Gemstone Guardians
The cards in Animal Allies and Gemstone Guardians are designed to connect you to your guardian animal and link you to your resonating gemstone.
Shaman’s Oracle
The Shaman’s Oracle by John Matthews and Wil Kinghan provides a unique take on oracles by drawing on the traditions of ancient shamans.
Whispers of Healing Oracle Cards
Whispers of Healing Oracle is a deck with deep healing and insightful messages.
Sibyls Oraculum
The Sibyls Oraculum is more than just another oracle deck, it's a guide to living your most fulfilling life.
Sacred Earth Oracle Cards
Sacred Earth Oracle Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno, Leela J Williams, and Helena Nelson-Reed are boundless in feeling and unique in meaning.
Earth Warriors Oracle
Earth Warriors Oracle is vibrantly coloured, and captures the multi-fractal reality of shamanic vision quests perfectly.