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Tag: Olivia Barclay

The language of astrology, image by jimmymac2010

Horary astrology: What it is and where it comes from

This is the practical side of astrology, the astrology for common people and handy deals. Now, we are used to everyone knowing the date and time of their birth, but in the past only few people could afford to pay an astrologer to record their birth time and create a natal chart. With horary astrology, any kind of situation can be examined without birth details. People still had questions and problems, and a way to read the stars based on the moment the astrologer accepts the question was accessible to everybody, like it is still now, even though this kind of astrology wasn't very popular for a time. Horary astrology can even answer less practical-seeming questions, such as those about magick or dream analysis.

Weekly Horoscope

Occultnik Cabal



Tattoo Tarot, illustrated by Megamunden

Tattoo Tarot