Tag: llewellyn worldwide
Raven’s Prophecy Tarot, By Maggie Stiefvater
Maggie Stiefvater is a writer and artist who's work in The Raven's Prophecy Tarot delivers a unique and exciting experience.
365 Tarot Spells, by Sasha Graham
365 Tarot Spells is useful to have close throughout the year. It is a joy to use and easily accessible, whether you are an experienced reader or a beginner.
Siolo Thompson discusses her Linestrider Tarot
Recently, Siolo Thompson and I got together to talk about creating her Linestrider deck, which was published by Llewellyn Worldwide in May 2016.
Midsummer, by Deborah Blake
Midsummer: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Litha is the third book in Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials series. As with the other fun, basic guides in the series, this book is an accessible, easy-to-read reference.
Jasmine Becket-Griffith Coloring Book
Jasmine Becket-Griffith has compiled 55 of her favourite characters from her work over the past 10 years into this fantasy-themed colouring book.
Techniques of Solomonic Magic, by Stephen Skinner
Stephen Skinner's Techniques of Solomonic Magic sets out to examine the sources of the magical methods and materials found in ancient European grimoires.
Wicca: Another Year and a Day, by Timothy Roderick
With Wicca: Another Year and a Day, Timothy Roderick has created a workbook that draws on a greater level of spiritual insight.
Beltane, by Melanie Marquis
Beltane: Rituals, Recipes and Lore for May Day is a perfect guide to ignite the spark of creativity, of growth, of love and of promise.
Shadowscapes Coloring Book
The Shadowscapes Coloring Book is a good tool for calming anxiety. It offers a different perspective on the world introduced in Pui-Mun Law’s tarot deck of the same name.
Magic of Isis, by Alana Fairchild
Magic of Isis, by Alana Fairchild is a book of incantations and prayers featuring gods and goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon, particularly Isis. As a coffee table book, it works very well. As a spiritual text, I found it lacking.
The Practical Art of Divine Magic, by Patrick Dunn
In The Practical Art of Divine Magic, Patrick Dunn tackles theurgy and offers challenging exercises to broaden our understanding of reality.
Ostara, by Kerri Connor
With Ostara, Kerri Connor crafts a fresh presence, presenting fun yet profound information. This is a great guide to celebrating Ostara.