Tag: linkage
Linkage: Cleansing, astrology, and squirrel spirits
How to cleanse when you're out and about, and other linkage.
Linkage: Familiars, sculpture, and Hallowe’en
There are varying kinds of symbolism, and they all have their place. And other linkage.
Linkage: Chaos magick, delusion, and food
What's a witch to do with the oaths of spirituality are at odds with the necessities of commerce? And other linkage.
Linkage: Spirit courts, traditional witchcraft, and Heathen blots
Avoiding cultural appropriation and the perpetuation of privilege, and other linkage.
Linkage: Abramelin, bells, and chaos magick
Ramsey Dukes talks about secretiveness, and the Abramelin operation, and other great linkage.
Linkage: Robert Anton Wilson, land spirits, and belief
Magick Getting to know your local land spirits. Think you literally can't even? Try this rite. Spirituality What does it mean to believe in Paganism? Contemporary prayers for...
Linkage: Witches, wealth, and scary gods
Is your Paganism about building walls, or opening doors? And other linkage.
Linkage: Giles, connections, and bones
Unpacking the beliefs and practices of godspousery and the hieros gamos. And other linkage.
Linkage: Grimoires, demons, and lions
Charles Dickens was a necromancer in title only. And other linkage.
Linkage: Meditation, focus, and poetry
This may seem obvious, but casting a spell shouldn't make you broke. And other linkage.
Linkage: Abraxas, Dionysus, and edible runes
On the abracadabra and abraxas formulae, and other linkage.