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Tag: erik c. dunne

Detail from The Sun, Next World Tarot, by Cristy C. Road

Tarot for kids: 15 decks to get them started

If you read tarot and have children in your life, chances are they are super curious about the cards.
Detail of the High Priestess from the Tarot Illuminati

Tarot Illuminati Kit

With Tarot Illuminati, Erik C. Dunne and Kim Huggens have combined elements of both Thoth and the RWS to form a deck that is accessible and easy to read.
Tarot Apokalypsis Kit

Tarot Apokalypsis

Tarot Apokalypsis is the sophomore effort of artist Erik C. Dunne and Kim Huggens and the sister deck to their award-winning Tarot Illuminati.

Weekly Horoscope

Occultnik Cabal



Tattoo Tarot, illustrated by Megamunden

Tattoo Tarot