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Tag: eileen holland

Review: The Wicca Handbook, by Eileen Holland

The Wicca Handbook, by Eileen Holland Weiser Books, 9781578634385, 309 pp. (including index, and glossary), 2008 The introduction to this book describes it as...

Review: A Witch’s Book of Answers, by Eileen Holland and Cerelia

A Witch's Book of Answers, by Eileen Holland and Cerelia Red Wheel/Weiser, 1578632803, 355 pp. (+ afterword, notes & bibliography, 2003 If you are an experienced...

Review: The Wicca Handbook, by Eileen Holland

The Wicca Handbook, by Eileen Holland Red Wheel/Weiser, 1578631351, 282 pp. (+ bibliography, index of spells & index), 2000 Some things are hot button item for...

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Tattoo Tarot, illustrated by Megamunden

Tattoo Tarot