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Tag: doreen valiente

Susan Starr and Doris Diamond

Susan Starr, Doris Diamond, and oracle creation

I sat down to chat with Doris Diamond and Susan Starr about how the processes for creating Gaia's Vision Oracle Cards.
Still from Legend

Iconic occult documentaries of the ’70s

There's a certain something about occult documentaries made in the 1970s.
Urban garden, photo by PerennialsPhotos

5 ways to connect with nature as an urban Pagan

If you’re like me, stuck in the concrete jungle, I’ve found five ways to help you ground yourself, and infuse a little bit of green into the dreary grey.
The Weiser Field Guide to Witches

The Weiser Field Guide to Witches, by Judika Illes

When a field guide is well done, it can be an incredible aid to study, classification, and practical knowledge.

Aradia, by Charles Godfrey Leland

Aradia, Gospel of the Witches, by Charles Godfrey Leland The Witches' Almanac, 9780982432358, 178 pp., 1899, 2010 Charles Godfrey Leland (1824-1903) was an American folklorist who...
Fire Child, by Maxine Sanders

Fire Child, by Maxine Sanders

There are lessons to be learned from Maxine Sanders’s writing in Fire Child, some so simple that they are often forgotten.

Weekly Horoscope

Occultnik Cabal



Tattoo Tarot, illustrated by Megamunden

Tattoo Tarot