Tag: broom closet
Exiting the broom closet: Sharing your magick with friends and family
Being open with your practice to friends and family isn’t everyone’s goal, but if you want to be able to talk about it with loved ones, here are some tips!
Secret witch: Magick when you’re stuck in the broom closet
Are you a secret witch? Not everyone can be open with their spiritual practice.. Here are some tips and tricks for covert magick.
Stepping out of the broom closet: Coming out as Wiccan or...
In sharing one's Wiccan faith with another, one takes the very real risk that the other person will react to the negative stereotypes surrounding witchcraft.
Broom closet: In or out?
Should you stay in the broom closet, or share your newfound spirituality of Wicca or Paganism with others?