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Tag: auras

Meditation: Four techniques to get you started

Meditation has become very popular in western culture in the last few decades, mostly thanks to spirituality and Buddhism becoming more acceptable in the mainstream. More and more people are becoming interested in the various benefits, but might not know that there are many types of meditation that give different benefits, and each has a different history. Here I will give a brief rundown of four beginner-friendly types of meditation, and give the history of each, as well as teach you how to get started on your own regiment. All of these methods serve different purposes and will suit different people, but one might find themselves practising each of them at different points throughout their spiritual practice.

An Easy Guide to a Healthy Aura

Most of us are unaware of the health of our auras or life energy. We go about our daily business without ever giving a...
Aura, photo by jebeld17

Psychic healing and banishing

The basic methods of psychic healing are: 1) creative visualization, 2) prayer, and 3) a banishing ritual.

Thoughtforms and Spirits

Although there are hundreds of kinds of divination, the principle ones are astrology, geomancy, the tarot, the I Ching, and direct psychic means (especially...

Weekly Horoscope

Occultnik Cabal



Tattoo Tarot, illustrated by Megamunden

Tattoo Tarot