April’s poll asks, What are your thoughts on trickster gods?
What are your thoughts on trickster gods?
- Love 'em! (64%, 46 Votes)
- I have no opinion one way or the other. (18%, 13 Votes)
- Not my kind of thing. (13%, 9 Votes)
- Loathe 'em! (6%, 4 Votes)
Total Voters: 72

April seems the appropriate month to think about trickster gods, mythological and otherwise.
To spur your thinking on this, check out these articles on trickster figures and a few things from our chaos magick archive:
- The riddle of the Trickster: A cross-cultural overview, by Thunderspud of Dragonfhain
- What is chaos magick?
- Top 5 chaos magick books, by Psyche
- Psyche’s list of chaos magick books
- Defining Chaos, by Mark Chao (Jaq D. Hawkins)
Here’s hoping the trickster gods are on your side!