Spiral Nature Magazine’s poll for June 2018 asks, What does your magick taste like?
My magick tastes like...
- chaos (28%, 26 Votes)
- storms (26%, 24 Votes)
- rainbows (23%, 21 Votes)
- dirt (14%, 13 Votes)
- candy (9%, 8 Votes)
Total Voters: 66

When we start, we ask “What is magick?” There are more responses than answers, and many of them are contradictory. However, here at Spiral Nature, we believe that magick is something that can be embodied. For some, it manifests visually, others scent things in the air, but this month we ask, what do you taste?
To get you thinking, and practicing, here are a few suggestions for things to read and try this month:
- Hoodoo container work: Three ways to get started, by Donyae Coles
- Domestic magick: The lost art of homemaking, by Chrysanthemum White Alder
- The magick of flotation pods: Drowning your monkey mind, by Ashley Naftule
- Secret witch: Magick when you’re stuck in the broom closet, by Donyae Coles
- Adding movement and energy to your magical practice, by Chrysanthemum White Alder
Does your magick have a particular taste or sensation that we haven’t listed? Share it in the comments. We love hearing from you!
Image credit: Ryan Keene, with work by Psyche