August’s poll asks, Where do you get your magick supplies?
Where do you get your magick supplies?
- Online (30%, 31 Votes)
- Craft my own (28%, 29 Votes)
- Repurposed items (21%, 22 Votes)
- Retail store (17%, 18 Votes)
- Gifts (4%, 4 Votes)
Total Voters: 64

The supplies for your magick can from from what’s around you, from the natural world, to your kitchen. Check out these resources and see what will work for you:
Kitchen witchery
- The Witching Herbs, reviewed by Laura Gyre
- Springtime kitchen witchery: 10 herbs for protection, peace, and luck, by Donyae Coles
- A Kitchen Witch’s World of Magical Food, reviewed by Susan Starr
- Domestic magick: The lost art of homemaking, by Chrysanthemum White Alder
- The Book of Kitchen Witchery, by Daleth West
Potioncraft and spellcraft
- Four Thieves: From medicine to magick, by Anie Savino
- Hoodoo candle magick primer, by Donyae Coles
Crafty witching
- Witching on a budget: Magick on the cheap, by Donyae Coles
- Secret witch: Magick when you’re stuck in the broom closet, by Donyae Coles
- Lughnasadh crafts: Candle holder and herb incense, by Susan Starr
- Mabon: Nature-based crafts for the Witches’ Thanksgiving, by Susan Starr
DIY divination
- Scrying: How to get started, by Donyae Coles
- Exploring Scrying, reviewed by Mike Gleason
- Dowsing without a pendulum: Divination on demand, by Charlz dela Cruz
- Divination for the dead of winter, by Donyae Coles
Shopping guides
- How to buy a tarot deck, by Donyae Coles
- Crystals: How to buy your first one, by Donyae Coles
What’s your go-to for finding supplies? Do you make your own? How do you know when you’ve got the right stuff?
Image credit: Caitlin Regan with work from Psyche