February’s poll asks, Are love spells ethical?
Are love spells ethical?
- Sometimes. Maybe? It depends. (48%, 43 Votes)
- Nope. (30%, 27 Votes)
- Of course. (17%, 15 Votes)
- Not sure. (4%, 4 Votes)
Total Voters: 89

Question of ethics and consent are raised in mainstream publications on a more regular basis, which is awesome, but how do you feel about love spells? Are they always harmful? Are there ways to ensure that they’re not coercive?
- Ethics in witchcraft: Where do you fall?, by Emma Kathryn
- Magical correspondences and social values, by Brendan Myers
- That old black magick: Getting specific about magical ethics, by Judy Harrow
- Ethics: More than just right and wrong, by Punkerslut
Here are few things to consider, as well as some ideas to help get you in the mood, however you proceed:
- The poetics of love spells, by Marjorie Jensen
- In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, by Psyche
- Epistolary tarot: Love, letting go, and learning, by Marjorie Jensen
- Honouring queer and nonbinary forms of nature, by Xenia
- A chat with Jason Miller about sex magick, by Psyche
- Mirror magick and self-love, by Chrysanthemum White Alder
- Anna Biller on the real witchcraft behind The Love Witch, by Ashley Naftule
Books on sex and love magick:
- Kink Magic, reviewed by Jenna Danchuk
- Great Work of the Flesh, reviewed by Psyche
- Sex, Sorcery, and Spirit, reviewed by Donyae Coles
- Magia Sexualis, reviewed by Psyche
- All Acts of Love and Pleasure, reviewed by Xenia
- The Art of Love Tarot, reviewed by Alanna Wright
On deities:
- Approaching Lilith: A magick of obsession, by Gavin Fox
- Worshipping familiar gods: Going beyond pop culture, by Donyae Coles
- God, Goddess, and Other: Fertility faiths and queer identities, by Xenia
- African pantheons: A primer, by Donyae Coles
And, as always, self-care for the season:
- Bed magick: Low-energy spells for the chronically ill, by Chrysanthemum White Alder
- Three magical self-care rituals: Uplift, energize, and protect, by Donyae Coles
- Trauma-informed meditation: Processing the past, by Chrysanthemum White Alder
- Rejuvenation bath: A cleansing new year’s rite, by MagicalMusingsWitchyWriter
Image credit: Jetske with work from Psyche