January’s poll asks, “How do you set your intention for the new year?”
How do you set your intention for the new year?
- I let the year take me where it will. (38%, 23 Votes)
- I create a statement of intent. (25%, 15 Votes)
- I divine what's to come and plan ahead. (15%, 9 Votes)
- I do something else. (12%, 7 Votes)
- I make new year's resolutions. (10%, 6 Votes)
Total Voters: 46

Some people are into new year’s resolutions, others create mantras for the coming year. What are your plans for this year?
For inspiration, see Laura Perry’s article, “Not exactly a New Year’s resolution: The saying of the year” and Donyae Coles’ “Divination for the dead of winter.”
What intents have you set?