As Samhain and Hallowe’en have just ended and we enter the darkening period of the year, it seems like a good time to reflect on what might happen afterwards.
November’s poll asks, Do you believe in an afterlife?
Do you believe in an afterlife?
- Yes, I believe we reconnect with our loved ones. (19%, 25 Votes)
- Sometimes. Maybe. I don't know. (18%, 23 Votes)
- No, I believe in reincarnation. (18%, 23 Votes)
- Yes, I believe we dwell with the gods. (17%, 22 Votes)
- No, I believe that once we die that's it. (16%, 20 Votes)
- Other? (Please comment.) (12%, 16 Votes)
Total Voters: 129

For those who are unsure, or want to learn more, here are some resources to consider:
- Afterlives, by Terry McCombs
- Five Meditations on Death, reviewed by Nimue Brown
- Connecting with the dead, by Chris Allaun
- The Journey into Spirit, reviewed by Susan Starr
- Five books to guide you into the spirit world, by Donyae Coles
- Near-Death Experiences, reviewed by Kalagni
For many of you, ancestor veneration is a part of your practice, and others are curious to learn where to begin. For you, here are some places to get started:
- Communing with the Ancestors, reviewed by Daleth West
- Dumb Supper: Tradition and innovation, by MagicalMusingsWitchyWriter
- Ancestral Medicine, reviewed by Susan Starr
- Ancestor spirit bottles: Make, consecrate, dedicate, by Emma Kathryn
- Celebrating Samhain with the Dumb Supper, by Susan Starr
- Ancestor work: Not just for Samhain, by Donyae Coles
On Twitter, a number of people suggested that they would be trying out the Dumb Supper this Samhain. But, of course, you can do so anytime. If you’re going to give it a try, and you feel comfortable doing so, please let us know how it went.
Then again, you may not necessarily want to work with your ancestors, but have questions for those outside your family line. For other considerations of how to work with the dead, see:
- Petitioning the dead in magick, by Chris Alluan
- Necromancy in the digital age, by Lary Love Dolley
- Who are the cemetery gate keepers?, by Chris Alluan
- Deeper Into the Underworld, reviewed by Alanna Wright
Everyone has a different view on what happens after we die. What do you think happens? Have you had any experiences that lead you believe there’s more to life than this?
Image credits: Michael Taggart with work from Psyche