Spiral Nature Linkage Friday, 11 August 2017


This beautiful Hoodoo ritual seeks to aid in healing the grief of losing a child. Important.

A little bit of crystal magick for love. (Don’t forget, you can cast a love spell on yourself, too!) Also check out, “Crystals: How to buy your first one.

How to make your own rose water using what you already have in your kitchen.

A guide to stichomancy, because divination using books is awesome.

The eclipse is coming, and here’s an easy meditation ritual to work with it.

There are a lot of interesting astrological signs going on with the coming solar eclipse, way more than you probably think.

Add some magical chalk to your tool kit.


Princess Nokia talks about the importance of solitude in her practice.

Memory isn’t perfect, so write things down! Tips for keeping your own grimoire.

Queer gods and magicians to honor if you so desire.

How a partial eclipse is celebrated in India.

Some ideas for imparting spirituality onto your children outside of organized religion.

Your spiritual practice has more tangible benefits than you think.

Yoga and trap music are helping one woman reclaim her spirituality.


There’s been a rise in the co-opting of Pagan faiths by the far right. Here’s an activist’s take on it.

The Greek gods are getting popular again in their homeland.

Paranormal research and the occult are considered two separate fields, but one group wants to change that.

Benjamin Franklin explored eclipses and the occult in his almanacs. (Must-have books for earthy witches!)

Fortune telling is on the rise in Iran. Fingers crossed that this trend goes global.

Learn more about Helena Blavatsky, one of the founders of the modern occult scene.


Thirteen Pathways of Occult Herbalism explores different approaches towards using plants in magick.

Bonus linkage

The Victorian wellness industry was less yoga, more poor sanitation and terrible smells.

Ravens are really, really smart.