Occulture linkage
A look at hoodoo in Luke Cage‘s second season.
What do you know about Charles Godfrey Leland? Ok, he wrote Aradia, but did you know he was a crap student? For more, see Psyche’s review of Aradia.
A 43-year-old organization, Covenant of the Goddess, has concerns about greying members and low membership rates from younger generations. Meanwhile, the Australian Pagan Alliance is being dissolved. I know things are tough, but we’ve got to support our communities.
To that end, don’t plagiarize or commit fraud, especially against those whose work you value. If you want an album, a physical book, or an ebook, check your local library. Don’t steal it. It’s totes unnecessary, and actively hurts authors, artists, and other creatives.
An interview with Peter Jenx, author of The Thai Occult.
The Satanic Temple has erected a giant statue of Baphomet at the Arkansas State Capitol in the United States, and we love them for it.
Vancouver distillery Evil Spirits made a vodka whose bottle features a functioning Ouija board, and one of their taglines is “You’ll never drink alone again.” How perfect is that?
Magick linkage
Tips on how to make your own holy water.
Crafting candle spells with tea lights.
Also, there’s a David Bowie inspired-tarot and I now must possess it.
Leaving an occult order like the Ordo Templi Orientis can be tough.
Spirituality linkage
On communicating with plants, Druid-style.
Both Pagans and Christians dig Celtic spirituality.
The Wild Hunt has created a list of influential Pagans of colour, and it’s pretty nifty. Also check out their list of influential Pagans from Mexico, and, yes, this article is available in Spanish as well.
Reviews linkage
A review of A Cunning Man’s Grimoire.
Songs for the Witch Woman reviewed.
A review of The Mixology of Astrology.
Calls for submission
Spiral Nature Magazine is looking for an art columnist. Payment: $15 per article, plus ad space (a $130 value). Deadline: 31 August 2018.
Spiral Nature Magazine is looking for an herbalist columnist. Payment: $15 per article, plus ad space (a $130 value). Deadline: 15 September 2018.