Occulture linkage
On the relationship between Freemasonry and witchcraft. For more on this, see “Did Freemasonry invent modern Paganism?” by Angel Millar.
An interview with Mecca Woods about astrology.
Scarlet Magdalene on the differences between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation. For more on this theme, see “Not your spirit animal: Cultural appropriation, misinformation, and the Internet,” “Working with multiple pantheons: A beginner’s guide,” and “Reclamation after cultural appropriation,” all by Donyae Coles.
How does Fullmetal Alchemist stand up?
Magick linkage
When are you ready to begin your magical practice?
Brief notes on exploring your shadow side with tarot. For more, see “Dancing with the Shadow: An introduction to shadow work” by Dallas Jennifer Cobb, and “Tarot and oracle cards together: Add depth and complexity to your readings” by Donyae Coles.
10 things you might not have known about brujería.
Ways to incorporate magical thinking into everyday eating.
On crystal balls. See also “Scrying: How to get started,” and “Crystals: How to buy your first one,” both by Donyae Coles.
Ways to use star anise in your magical practice.
What does it mean if you have the moon in Pluto in your astrological chart?
Spirituality lilnkage
How Brighid became Maman Brigitte.
What does Druidry look like in the 21st century? What can it mean for the future?
The inspiration of finding resilience in small creatures.
There are many ways to think about the gods, and many of them are compatible with science.
Not everyone is going to show up to every Pagan gathering, and that’s ok.
On spiritually connecting with buildings.
Reviews linkage
Modern Tarot reviewed.
A review of Besom, Stang, and Sword.
Magic in the Modern World: Strategies of Repression and Legitimization reviewed.
A review of Coloring Book of Shadows: Planner for A Magical 2019.
(h)Auroræ reviewed. See also Alanna Wright’s review of the same book.
A review of Gnomon.
High Magick: A Guide to the Spiritual Practices that saved my Life on Death Row reviewed.
Calls for submission
Spiral Nature Magazine is looking to hire a course editor to work with course creators to commission new courses, and format the courses we already have into our new software. Compensation: $100 per quarter. Deadline: 31 January 2019.
Spiral Nature Magazine is also looking to hire an assistant editor to support other editors, liaise with writers to ensure they’re on deadline and communicate feedback, change requests, and format articles for publication. Compensation: $100 per quarter. Deadline: 31 January 2019.
We are especially interested in hiring queer and BIPOC editors, but all are welcome to apply. We look forward to working with you!
Bonus linkage
This article on Sailor Moon and the queer history of magical transformations in anime speaks to me on a spiritual level, and I thought you might enjoy it too.