Wiccan Warrior: Walking a Spiritual Path in a Sometimes Hostile World
, by Kerr Cuhulain
Llewellyn Publications, 1567182526, 2002
Kerr Cuhulain makes a very important distinction between being a fighter anda warrior. If you are looking to learn how to use magick to win battles with others – keep on looking. If you’re looking to harness the power of magick to make yourself a better person – you have found a source to draw from.
He challenges many cherished Wiccan beliefs (at least, cherished by traditionalists) and, like all good teachers, challenges the student (reader) to make what he offers a part of day-to-day life.
He is not afraid to use examples of things that have worked from outside Wicca and show how they can be adapted to our unique circumstances. Adaptability is a characteristic that is constantly stressed in this work. Rigidity is connected with inability to survive. Examples are constantly drawn from the field of martial arts, as there are numerous parallels between the two fields of endeavour.
Mr. Cuhulain stresses frequently that each individual is unique, as are their experiences, and thus their growth and reality are also unique. It is not for anyone to act as judge for any but themselves.
He touches briefly on the early 2oth century history of the Craft in broad outline, and then refers the reader to sources which treat the subject in much greater depth
Mr. Cuhulain also includes a couple of rituals, one of which is radically different from the so-called “standard” ritual. It is a real pleasure to see rituals cited which are non-traditional. People normally cite the “standards” and then say something like, “Make whatever changes you need to personalize the ritual.” What Mr. Cuhulain does is to quote a non-standard ritual, then explain how it differs from the standard, but does not reproduce the standard ritual. He stresses spontaneity and creativity throughout the work.
One major difference between “The Witches’ Pyramid” as quoted by Mr. Cuhulain is that most versions have a base and three sides, while his has a base and four sides. He has added the very necessary ingredient of “Imagination” to the pyramid.
This book is, in my opinion, a vital addition to any Witch’s library. It doesn’t matter if the Witch is male or female, Witch or Wiccan. In fact it belongs in the library of anyone who wishes to learn to manipulate the forces of the universe, whether as a magickian (to use Mr. Cuhulain’s spelling), or simply as an individual who wishes to take control of his own life.
I would recommend that Mr. Cuhulain’s books be purchased and read by students everywhere. Teachers would also benefit from the advice that Mr. Cuhulain offers on the basis of his thirty years of experience as a Witch and twenty years as a law enforcement officer.