Cooking by Moonlight: A Witch’s Guide to Culinary Magic
, by Kerri Ann Allrich
Llewellyn Worldwide, 1567180159, 2003, 224 (including appendix and index)
Advice on what to keep stocked in your kitchen, as well as attributes of various ‘love foods’, which foods are best to eat under which moon and season, and why. Excellent recipies, most of the ones with meat ingredients have vegetarian alternatives, which, being a vegetarian, I consider very thoughtful.
I do own a few cookbooks, but they’re quite dusty, as I don’t generally cook. I’ve got a few recipies and things I know how to assemble, but that number doesn’t top a dozen. And half of them simply require adding milk to a package of dried flaky bits. If it can’t be made in 10 minutes or less I dunno how. But a cookbook was sent with a neo-pagan spin, and how could I resist giving it a go?
I made the Cinnamon Zucchini Bread (pg. 117), the ingredients were simple enough, but I had no idea what it meant to ‘fold in the zucchini’, I called my sister who is a baker, and she told me, thinking I was an idiot for not immediately understanding. This easily could have been idiocy on my part, but an appendix of ‘Baking Terms for Dummies’ would have been helpful. At any rate, the bread turned out to be absolutely delicious.
Very Gooddess-centric (there is little mention of the God throughout this book) it contains many references to ‘Wise Woman’ (though none to Cunning Man), this is a cookbook clearly meant for women. Though I’m sure both sexes will appreciate the tastey recipies found within, however it would have been nice to see a bit more of a nod to the fellas. That, and a gloassary would be my only complaints, otherwise it’s a delightful book, an excellent addition to the library of any kitchen witch.