After the intensity of last week, Hidden Insights is happy to announce a tranquil and healing week ahead. The week begins with Mercury making a lovely trine to Chiron. Hidden Insights has not often discussed Chiron, as it is a minor celestial object with little effect on the daily routines of the world. However, this week it stations direct and makes an aspect with a planet in the same day. Chiron is known by astrologers as the wounded healer, and it rules acceptance, cleansing, creative solutions, and reunification.
As Chiron stations direct, it asks us to address internal psychological wounds, and for many, this will trigger painful memories that can now be addressed and healed with love and acceptance. As Mercury makes it’s trine to Chiron on the Sunday, 9 December, conversations about past emotional wounds will surface. Together, Mercury and Chiron also produce a cosmic healing voice that often brings songs, poems, kind words, and inspiring speeches that help us process pain. The powerful healing energy wraps the world in a blanket of care that will help many begin to work through internal suffering.
The gentle healing energy of the week continues as the Sun makes a semi-sextile to Pluto, and Mercury moves into Sagittarius. Family, friends, and neighbours become much more helpful, and a sense of community thrives. This is a great week for team building, as well as supporting charities that are looking to make a difference. Expect social and non-profit groups to make headlines.
The wonder of magick and miracles sweeps over the earth this weekend, as Venus touches Jupiter and Uranus makes a semi-square to Neptune. These pair of transits promise a happily ever after feeling around the globe. Social gatherings, romantic encounters, and joyful good news repeat again and again. When all appears to be going well, it can make the mind anxious about the potential for something negative to occur. As regular readers of Hidden Insights know, there are plenty of weeks with harsh aspects challenging the world. Take a moment this week to soothe the soul, and enjoy an optimistic worldview.
Astro Homework
The themes for this week’s planetary energy are support and healing. Mercury and Chiron allow us to help others by drawing on our own experiences. Take time this week to reach out to a friend, relative, or even a stranger who may need a kind word. As these planets magnify this energy, we can harness the power of collective well-being in order to make a difference.
Aries (21 March — 20 April)

Aries is known as one of the bravest signs of the zodiac, and those born under this sign that easily rise to meet challenges. This week, your bravery will help you overcome a fear or phobia that has caused you stress. Confronting fear is never easy; however, this week you are armed with the strength and support of loved ones, and that will help you to jump through the metaphorical fire. The tables turn on Tuesday, when you will be called to help a coworker face a dilemma. As Mercury moves into your ninth house, you will easily be able access the bigger picture, and place others’ worries into perspective. While your mind expands this week, it will be difficult to focus on the mundane aspects of life. Expect to run late or even miss appointments or meetings.
Recommended reading: Dancing with the Shadow: An introduction to shadow work, by Dallas Jennifer Cobb
Taurus (21 April — 20 May)

You are hyper intuitive this week, Taurus, and you will easily pick up on the subtle energy of those around you. On Monday, this will inspire a conversation with a loved who has been keeping a secret. Don’t be alarmed that someone is keeping a secret as their motives are entirely pure. They do not wish to overwhelm you with what they feel is a minor issue. Due to the highly intuitive energy of the week, you will be able to soothe their concerns. Right now you are able to deal with sensitive and personal matters more effectively. By Thursday, everything will be resolved, and you will be able to focus on yourself once again. Over the weekend, another secret comes to the surface, only this time it pertains to a friend’s medical or mental health issue they are dealing with, and they will need your support.
Recommended reading: Increase your magical intuition: Tips and tricks, by Donyae Coles
Gemini (21 May — 20 June)

The first few days of the week will be filled with an unusually long to-do list at work, Gemini. There will be little room for socializing, and it may be difficult to take a break. Coworkers are leaning on you for support right now, as they need your help completing their own world. This chaotic energy mellows on Wednesday, when your ruling planet moves into your seventh house. Here you are able to focus on one-on-one relationships, and return your focus to strengthening romantic bonds. This is a great week to make important announcements and initiate important discussions with others, as these will all work in your favour. Over the weekend, a friend calls on you for help with conflict they are having with an authority figure.
Recommended reading: Mental health and magical practice: Learning to know thyself, by Chrysanthemum White Alder
Cancer (21 June — 20 July)

The world begins to feel normal again, Cancer, as the dust settles after an intense series of dramatic days. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday give you the opportunity to restore order to the chaos you’ve experienced. Coworkers and collaborative partners will be there to lend a hand as well. You may even feel as though you are getting more support than usual. Allow those who want to lend a hand to do so; you don’t need to be responsible for everything on your own. Friday brings a touch of romance into your life, as flirtation from an unexpected source has you feeling giddy. Saturday is more somber, as your responsibilities have you not only taking care of people at home, but also a friend dealing with a minor crisis.
Recommended reading: Herbalism for beginners: Where to start, by Emma Kathryn
Leo (21 July — 20 August)

It’s time to be honest about your financial situation, Leo, both with yourself and others in your life. Mercury and Chiron have set the stage to shine light on debts that you can no longer ignore. The challenge this week will be to ignore your ego and address the problem openly. Now is the time to solve the problem creatively, especially with Mercury changing signs on Wednesday. As Mercury moves into Sagittarius, you will be inspired to initiate a new business venture or speculative investment. Expect to be given the opportunity to make extra money from home or through a second job. Place an extra cash you earn this week aside. It will help you pay a surprise bill later.
Recommended reading: Writing good luck spells, by Jarred Triskelion
Virgo (21 August — 20 September)

A close friend or spouse needs extra support this week, Virgo, and you will need to put your plans aside to help. Illness is the likely culprit, and jumping into the role of caregiver will come easily to you. On Tuesday, a child or pet will demand your attention, and you will coordinate care with multiple individuals in your life. Fortunately, your own immune system gets a boost right now, and you are not likely to contract illness from others. Use this to your advantage in order to stir up the dust at home and deep clean. Over the weekend your attention turns to your extended family, and you are likely to receive a surprise phone call, letter, or visit.
Recommended reading: An Easy Guide to a Healthy Aura, by Jeffry R. Palmer Ph.D.
Libra (21 September — 20 October)

Dancing delicate balancing acts are your expertise, Libra, and this week you get to exercise those skills. Financial restructuring and balancing become your main focus as you attempt to budget, organize debts, and initiate a plan for your resources. On Tuesday, expect to hear from a friend or family member who is having transportation issues. Make certain to carve extra time out of your week to assist them in their travels. As the week progresses, you will notice a shift in your thinking pattern. By Thursday you will move from practical thoughts to dreams of future travel and family functions. Over the weekend you can anticipate spending extra time and money filling your gas tank, purchasing bus or plane tickets, and staying on the move. Next weekend you can stay in and relax.
Recommended reading: Live your magick: The contradiction of control, by Chrysanthemum White Alder
Scorpio (21 October — 20 November)

Indulgence is your friend this week, Scorpio, as you dig to uncover your deepest pleasures. Monday and Tuesday will afford you the opportunity to examine what makes you happy in life, along with what you need to remove, such as trust issues. As you wrestle with the larger personal issues of the human experience, expect to be called on by friends as an expert. It may be difficult to give advice when you are uncertain of your own wants and needs, though your sharp mind will give it a try anyway. Magically, giving help to another person will be the most illuminating exercise that will help you to uncover your own needs. Over the weekend, a large personal purchase has you feeling slight retail regret, though it appears to be a necessary purchase.
Recommended reading: Radical Sages, by Robert Rabbin
Sagittarius (21 November — 20 December)

The healing energy the week brings family trauma and past emotional wounds to the surface for you, Sagittarius. Dealing with any trauma is painful, but you have a wonderful opportunity this week to work through the past in a safe and effective way. You have been hiding a piece of yourself from your family, and it is time to address why you have kept it locked away. As Mercury moves into your sign, your voice becomes stronger. This will allow you to embrace the individuality of being a Sagittarius. The intense internal healing you’ve been through this week will take a vacation on Saturday. An exciting and joyful encounter with friends will have you dancing the night away and sharing hearty laughs. Use this time to lean on others for support; you don’t have to be as fiercely independent as you believe.
Recommended reading: Warrior Goddess Meditations, reviewed by Nimue Brown
Capricorn (21 December —20 January)

A sense of altruism and charity wash over you this week, Capricorn. You want to reach out and help others, and the opportunity to do that will present itself throughout the week. Anticipate spending most of Tuesday with a large group of friends or colleagues. Together you may all work towards a goal to help those less fortunate. Hospitals also appear in your chart this week, but that is not to say you will end up in one. It is much more likely you will be there visiting a friend or donating time to provide comfort for others. Over the weekend, excitement comes to your doorstep with a surprise gift from a loved one. After a week of giving, enjoy being treated to something nice.
Recommended reading: The High Magic of Talismans and Amulets, reviewed by Freeman Presson
Aquarius (21 January — 20 February)

You are building both professional and social bridges this week, Aquarius, as you make important social connections with people in positions of power. Networking opportunities become clear on Monday, a lucky encounter with a stranger brings an invitation. Gossip runs high at work on Wednesday, as rumours about a change begin to spread. Be certain to listen carefully, but not say a word. You will be able to use information you hear to your advantage in the coming year. The excitement continues through Friday, when a meeting or office gathering puts you at the centre of everyone’s attention. Wow your audience with innovative ideas, and you will be certain to impress the person who signs your paycheque.
Recommended reading: Clay magick: Creative casting for the artistic witch, by MagicalMusingsWitchyWriter
Pisces (21 February —20 March)

What you see is what you get — at least from your perspective this week, Pisces. You’re on a mission of productivity, and you are ready to take direct action. Those around you need your frank and honest words right now, even if it feels uncomfortable. On Wednesday, your thoughts shift to your professional development, and you are ready to move your position to the next level. This is a fantastic week to develop professional goals and to set a course of success. A conversation with a supervisor on Thursday gives you the opportunity to show your leaderships skills and potential. Over the next several weeks, a new job or promotion is due to surface, so be ready for chance to apply. Over the weekend, a last minute shopping trip is needed to give your wardrobe a new article of clothing.
Recommended reading: Intuition, by Xi O’Teaz