Hidden Insights projects a week where the only thing to expect is the unexpected. Unexpected changes, for both good and bad, are promised as Uranus stations retrograde, and Jupiter stations direct. These transits are enhanced by a Full Moon, conjunction between the Sun and Venus, as well as a square from Mercury to Uranus.
As Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus, the world’s sense of security may be questioned, and marks a period where financial markets will quickly rise and quickly fall. On a personal level it may be difficult for many to hold on to their money, while also experiencing sporadic boosts of income. From now until the 10 January 2020 the revolutionary and unpredictable energy of Uranus is in review. We must do our best to avoid holding onto anything that we think will bring us security, as Uranus may ask that we give it away. Fortunately, this is usually so Uranus can make improvements in our lives, especially if they relate to our sense of freedom.
Jupiter returns to its normal motion this week just as Uranus stations retrograde. This bring a return to luck and carefree happiness. We will be inspired to spend more time participating in enjoying activities that we enjoy. Essentially, it is time to let lose, let go, and have fun. During the time that Jupiter spent in retrograde, we were able to review our values in life and explore existential themes. Ask yourself what you have learned about your personal ethics and moral compass since April, so that you can make a positive change in your approach to others, faith, and religion.
As the week comes to an end, the square between Mercury and Uranus could bring unexpected news and shocking statements on Friday, 16 August and Saturday, 17 August. While this is not necessarily uncommon in today’s political landscape, these days should be closely watched. The personal effects of this transit may cause an argument or two, as slips of the tongue will likely lead a number of people in hot water. It would be best to be as reserved as possible this weekend.
Astro Homework
This week’s homework assignment focuses on the energy of the Full Moon in Aquarius. It will oppose Venus, which can bring love and magick into our lives.
Your assignment this week is to use the Full Moon’s energy to revitalize love in your life. This can be self-love, love of work you do, romantic love, or love of family and friends.
The colour pink is known to vibrate with pure love, while red vibrates with passionate love. Choose a candle colour that is appropriate, and petition the Moon to help bring love back into your life, or fortify the love that you currently have.
Aries (21 March — 20 April)

A dramatic shift in your personal finances comes this week, Aries, and you may need to rework your budget to help care for or assist a younger member of your family. Fortunately, Mercury moves into the most creative sector of your chart, which allows you to access unusual and innovative ways to solve problems. As Jupiter stations direct in your ninth house, the planet of luck brings fortune to legal affairs, travel, and higher education. Many born under the sign of the ram will see these themes become important and accessible. This is a great time to make a big move, take a long trip, and initiate successful legal endeavours. Be cautious on Friday, as a conversation will likely catch you off guard. Try to remain calm, and avoid showing your aggressive side.
Broadway musical: The Sound of Music
Taurus (21 April — 20 May)

Uranus station retrograde in your sign this week, Taurus, which can bring a minor shock to the body, as it encourages you to make a change to your physical appearance. Use the next five months to find a way to reinvent yourself and address any unhealthy patterns and habits. Early in the week you can expect lively conversation at home with family members. They will want to share their input right now, and provide positive feedback. Try not to look at this as judgements passed on you. Instead, find ways to collaborate with family members, and accept their opinions with an open mind. Over the weekend you can expect a surprise gift to arrive at your door. While you may not know who it is from, know that you are appreciated.
Broadway musical: Evita
Gemini (21 May — 20 June)

It’s a week ruled by progress, Gemini, as you are blessed with the ability to overcome any self-doubt you may have been feeling over the last several weeks. Early in the week you can expect a positive change in your romantic life. Single Geminis may even meet “the one” right now. As your ruling planet changes sign on Sunday, 11 August, you can expect to feel an urgent desire to stay moving. Don’t be surprised if you’re helping a friend or two with a ride before the week is over. Over the weekend, Mercury and Uranus team up to help you uncover a secret. For those who decide to accept an invitation for a date, or are in blossoming relationships, this information will help you better understand your partner.
Broadway musical: Avenue Q
Cancer (21 June — 20 July)

Your motivation and health are on the rise this week, Cancer, and you seem to have an endless supply of energy. Early in the week you can expect the opportunity to network professionally. If you’ve been looking to make a career change, then you don’t want to miss this opportunity. Say “yes” to any invitations you receive. An important discussion surrounding money occurs on Wednesday, and you will need to assert yourself to avoid being taken advantage of. Make sure you know what you can and cannot afford. Over the weekend you may experience a breakdown in communication. Don’t be surprised if others are having a difficult time getting back to you. Give them a few days before following up.
Broadway musical: Hello Dolly
Leo (21 July — 20 August)

It’s time to think about making a shift in your career, Leo. As Uranus stations retrograde in your tenth house, you can’t help but feel dissatisfied with your job right now. You are itching to make a move, or change in this area. Fortunately, if you put your mind to it, you could have an interview before the end of the week. You may also want to consider a different position with your current employer. Midweek, the Sun and Venus align in your sign, which will grace you with a natural charm that will help you get what you want. This would be a great time to ask for a raise, a transfer, and to show off your many talents. Over the weekend you may be presented with a difficult decision in relation to your home life. Try not to make any major changes yet.
Broadway musical: Tootsie
Virgo (21 August — 20 September)

Give and take will be the theme of your week, Virgo, as a you are blessed with abundance at home, as your public life takes a difficult turn. Jupiter is stationing direct in your sector of home and family, and this brings you both the joy and security that you’ve recently felt missing. Early in the week you may want to be on the lookout for an important legal letter or document that will require your immediate attention. Be sure to read the fine print carefully, as you may easily overlook an important detail that could make your life difficult over the next several months. Over the week your need to introvert may be overwhelming, and it might not be a bad idea to spend time at home in order to allow your loved ones to boost your spirits.
Broadway musical: Cats
Libra (21 September — 20 October)

Life seems to flow smoothly for you this week, Libra, especially when it comes to your ability to get from one place to another. Others are still dealing with the struggle of Mercury and remain in its shadow, yet you are less restricted and frustrated. Roadblocks — both metaphorical and actual — are no longer a problem, and you can finally make progress towards your goals. A minor financial hiccup is possible midweek, and you may find yourself short on cash. However, your financial worries will lift as you prepare yourself for greater earning power. The opportunity to take a class, certification, or continued education is possible this week. If you’ve been on the fence about getting more training, go for it!
Broadway musical: Wicked
Scorpio (21 October — 20 November)

Two important areas are about to make a major shift in your chart, Scorpio, and these are spheres are romance and finances. Uranus stations retrograde in your sector of interpersonal relationships, and you can expect sudden changes to your most intimate relationships. This week, you may need to sit down with a close friend or partner and redefine the way the two of you exists together. As with any Uranus transit, it is horrifically difficult to predict exactly how it will play out. The best thing you can do is expect a change. Financially, your life is about to improve as Jupiter turns direct in your sector of money and earnings. Where you have previously been financially restricted, you can expect fewer issues. Over the weekend, you can expect to stay busy with responsibilities or at work. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to unwind soon enough.
Broadway musical: Fiddler on the Roof
Sagittarius (21 November — 20 December)

A big week ahead is promised for you, Sagittarius, as Jupiter, your ruling planet, turns direct in your sign. The last several months may have seemed filled with annoying setbacks and personal hurdles to overcome. You can now sigh with relief and look forward to a fresh can-do attitude. Early in the week a bit of self-indulgence may turn your stomach sour, so be careful not to overeat. Just because you feel invincible, that doesn’t mean that you are. The opportunity to make travel plans comes midweek, and you may want to think about organizing a group vacation with several friends. Over the weekend, a disagreement over a moral or ethical problem is likely. While it’s always good to stand up for what you believe in, now is not the time to be righteous.
Broadway musical: Mame
Capricorn (21 December — 20 January)

“Rest and reflection” should be your mantra this week, Capricorn, as the heavens give you the opportunity to retreat into your own little world. Both Jupiter and Uranus give you a chance to unwind and dream lazily about your past. Speaking of dreams, be prepared for a series of wild nights with both vivid and prophetic images. As your imagination gets a boost, use this energy to envision things you want in life. The Secret speaks about creative visualization in great detail — a practice that mystics have known for some millennia. Think of this week as your opportunity to receive an extra shot of energy to imaginative manifestations. Over the weekend, a conversation about debt that yours or a friend’s child is experiencing may need a creative solution. Don’t be shy about giving advice.
Broadway musical: The Music Man
Aquarius (21 January — 20 February)

A few surprising changes at home and the opportunity to see your dreams come to life are promised this week, Aquarius. Early in the week, you will want to be on the lookout for a minor crisis at home. This could be an appliance that has suddenly stopped working, or a last minute addition to your household by someone who needs a place to stay. No matter how it manifests, take the change with an optimistic attitude. This week’s full Moon is in your sign, and it may leave you feeling a bit forgotten, especially since Venus is in play. Don’t be shy about your romantic needs with a partner. If you are single, this a great time to confess your feelings to someone you’ve had your eye on. Over the weekend a disagreement at home may get heated. However, if you can make it to Saturday night without a fight, you should be in the clear.
Broadway musical: Funny Girl
Pisces (21 February — 20 March)

This week is all about gaining status, and selling your skill set to others, Pisces. As Jupiter turns direct in your tenth house, you can expect a major shift in your professional life. Not only do you have the ability to impress those in positions of power, you can also initiate independent work. Having the confidence to start a business and be your own boss can be a scary prospect. However, right now you have the motivation and confidence to make it happen. Of course, if you are happy with your current job, you can easily make advancements over the next several months — if you initiate networking right now. Be on the lookout for these opportunities to peak on Wednesday, 14 August. Venus and the Sun will align to bring harmony, and possibly a little romance to your work environment.
Broadway musical: Oklahoma!