Hidden Insights forecasts a challenging week ahead as a series of difficult transits strike down from the heavens. A square between the Sun and Neptune on the Sunday, 9 June, kicks off the week with confusion and disappointment. It will be difficult to focus on any one direction right now, and it will be best to avoid trying to accomplish anything important. There is also the potential for many to misplace personal items such as keys, phones, wallets, and jewellery. Fortunately, this is a fairly quick transit, and anything lost right now will be recovered.
As the Sun moves away from its aspect with Neptune, it moves into a harsh opposition with Jupiter on Monday, 10 June. Feelings of confusion have faded away, and now overconfidence takes hold. Here, individuals will overestimate capabilities, and likely take on more than one can reasonably handle. Expect personalities to appear larger than life as the majority of the world wants to be the centre of attention. This energy flows through the rest of the week until Friday.
Over the weekend, Mars makes a counterproductive trine with Neptune while also opposing Saturn. It will be no wonder that the world takes on a lazy attitude right now, and much of the world will feel cranky. For many, the idea of just bouncing along with no real destination feels like a dream. This may be particularly evident while traveling. Expect delays due to slow drivers who are in no hurry to be anywhere. This weekend also brings a period where the collective world begins to face responsibilities that have been previously ignored.
Astro Homework
This week’s assignment focus on riding the foggy waves of Neptune as both the Sun and Mars make aspects to the planet of delusion. At Neptune’s core, it is a highly spiritual planet, that has little regard for mundane activities. This is why it will be easy to lose personal items this week, as well as feeling confused or disappointed. Neptune asks us to look at the bigger picture, and focus on the more ethereal aspects of life. To work successfully with this planet, try a new meditation or trance work technique. Tapping into this energy will help avoid the chaos promised this week.
Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Arguments pop up early in the week for you, Aries, and you are feeling ready to defend your point of view. Don’t expect to be able to easily find common ground, particularly at home. If you live with others, it might be a good idea to spend as little time together as possible right now. Allow yourself space to pursue your own interests. The tension of the week comes to a head-on Friday, and you may come under fire for comments or actions made in your past. The best course of action is to acknowledge mistakes and apologize. Being argumentative will only make the situation worse. Instead, think of this as a time to clear the air and move away from personal burdens.
Tea of the week: Oolong
Taurus (21 April – 20 May)

Friends may be difficult to understand and get ahold of this week, Taurus, as Neptune descends like a fog around your allies. A disagreement early in the week may leave you with hurt feelings. Especially, if the argument occurred with a close friend. This appears to trigger a spending spree, where overindulgence is possible during the first few days of the week. Be careful not to spend more than you have, or charge too much on credit cards. Over the weekend, you may find yourself picking up after others and you may have to remind those around you that you cannot handle all of the work yourself.
Tea of the week: Lavender
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

Tension between you and a supervisor, or person of authority, occurs this week, Gemini. Right now, you feel the need to battle with people in positions of power. This is great for activism, if it is done legally. You just need to be cautious not to cross any inappropriate lines. Midweek brings happy news to your romantic relationships, and Geminis who are single may find their selves the object of a number of advances from others. Geminis who are in committed relationships can expect their romance to heat up. A proposal or commitment is possible as well. Over the weekend, you will spend great deal of energy improving your personal image at work, especially if you have recently been lazy. Don’t expect to be able to get away with minimal effort right now.
Tea of the week: Cinnamon
Cancer (21 June – 20 July)

Your direction in life is put to the test this week, Cancer, and you’re starting to feel like values you once held dear are no longer important to you. It’s time to think outside the box and make adjustments to where you want your professional life to go. Work has become stagnant and boring, and you want to break free from your typical routine. Unfortunately, it will be difficult to get friends and family on-board with the changes you want to make. Avoid making any major announcements this week to avoid conflict. Over the weekend, you may have to answer several difficult questions from those who feel the need to pry into your private life. Be certain to stand up for what you believe in and make your desires clear.
Tea of the week: Jasmine
Leo (21 July – 20 August)

This week, Leo, money issues will bring chaos to your life. Bills you may have forgotten about, or neglected to pay, surface. You can no longer put-off taking care of certain financial responsibilities. Continuing to ignore your debts will land you in hot water, and a number of sacrifices will have to be made. Don’t be surprised if you must cancel travel plans or sacrifice a new wardrobe that you’ve been saving for, in order to balance your budget. Over the weekend, work responsibilities will build and you may not be able to spend the weekend lounging around. Expect to be exceptionally busy. You will have time to play later in the month.
Tea of the week: Qilan
Virgo (21 August – 20 September)

Typically, you are able to stay calm under pressure, Virgo, which is a valuable skill to have. However, you are due for domestic tension. Expect to be pulled in a seemingly endless number of directions at home. There doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to handle everything on your to-do list while also dealing with a series of family crises. Midweek, you may be called to settle a dispute between two family members or two friends. Either way, both sides will be looking for you to support them. Unfortunately, there is really no right side to take, and you may want to back away gracefully. If you are confronted with this situation, simply explain that you are not capable of getting involved right now. Over the weekend, drama continues, and you may want to find a personal escape at your favourite restaurant or retail store.
Tea of the week: Earl grey
Libra (21 September – 20 October)

Expect to spend most of this week on your feet, Libra. You have a seemingly endless list of responsibilities to take care of both at home and at work. If you are not racing the clock with your co-workers, you will be running around town taking care of personal errands. At some point, you may wonder how you can learn to work smarter, not harder. The opportunity to learn something new, enroll in a certificate program, or higher education is possible this week. Even if you don’t enroll, the idea is certainly on your mind. Allow yourself to dream big as this week marks a period where you can advance your education or skills. There is no rest over the weekend as tension between Mars and Saturn promise to bring a new set of responsibilities into your life. Work hard this week, and you’ll be able to unwind next weekend.
Tea of the week: Black
Scorpio (21 October – 20 November)

This will be a sexually charged week for you, Scorpio. Of course, this does not necessarily mean you must engage in sexual activities. There is a creative and generative side to this energy within the chart. Even if you aren’t making love, you will be making something. Your fantasies are ready to come to life, and you want to bring your dreams down in the physical world. The only caution you need to take is to find a way to create your desires with least amount of money possible. An urge to splurge may be overwhelming early in the week, which threatens your financial securities. Over the weekend, serious conversations throw the proverbial wet blanket on your optimism. Complete artistic endeavors before Friday to avoid creative blockages on Friday and Saturday.
Tea of the week: Matcha
Sagittarius (21 November – 20 December)

Joint financial situations are never easy, Sagittarius, and now these types of relationships are due to be tested. If you share bills or a joint account with another person, tensions will rise early in the week. Perhaps there is a disagreement on how money should be spent or invested. Right now is not the best time to handle these types of situations, as common ground will be difficult to find. When these situations are presented, do your best to avoid addressing the issue until Friday when they can be more productive. The financial theme continues over the weekend, and it is not likely to feel particularly comfortable. You will need to face a cold truth about your finances and possibly face a difficult reality. Fortunately, the Sun is now moving through your house of interpersonal relationships and you will be able to easily lean on another person for support.
Tea of the week: Mint
Capricorn (21 December – 20 January)

You will be working behind the scenes this week, Capricorn, as you yearn for privacy right now. As you spend time alone, you may begin to notice that there are fears from your past you have not fully addressed. At some point this week, you will be called to confront a fear or situation that makes you uncomfortable. Allow yourself to rise to the challenge so you can be stronger and more successful. As a whole, you strive in this lifetime to push yourself towards success. There is no better way to achieve personal success than confronting what holds us back from growth. Over the weekend, a relationship between you and another comes under fire, and the conflict that arises brings the need to make decisions about this person in your life.
Tea of the week: Chai
Aquarius (21 January – 20 February)

Your mind appears to be working faster than your mouth this week, Aquarius, and you may find it difficult to express yourself clearly. Right now, you have a seemingly endless supply of creative ideas that you think others can benefit from. Unfortunately, now is not the right time to convey your innovations. This will initially feel disappointing, and you will need to accept that you cannot force others to buy into your ideas. Midweek brings a minor conflict between you and a close friend. This is due to the other party being too self-involved to really listen to what you have to say. It may be best to keep your plans to yourself for right now, and wait till the weekend to share.
Tea of the week: English Breakfast
Pisces (21 February – 20 March)

As the Sun continues to travel along the bottom of your chart, Pisces, it becomes increasingly easier for you to want to spend time at home. Right now, you need to rest and focus on recharging relationships with your family. This is an excellent week to plan a family reunion or game night. If possible, try and take some time off of work as well. You’ve been overextending yourself in this area of your life and it’s time to put your home and family first for a while. The heavens become busy on Friday, when the opportunity to completely unwind, book a vacation, and block the outside world out, increases. Over the weekend, you can expect a flurry of phone calls, text messages, and other notifications from friends who are dealing with a personal crisis. Try to remember that it is not your responsibility to heal the world, and you can only focus on yourself and loved ones right now.
Tea of the week: Chamomile