It is a rare moment when Hidden Insights can forecast nothing but harmony, happiness, and success. However, that is exactly what the world will receive this week! There are only two major transits, and both are lucky trines. Together they represent opportunity, which can help individuals reach for success with ease.
The first aspect of the week comes on Wednesday, 7 August, when the Sun makes a trine to Jupiter. Classically, this transit promises success, and harmonious relationships with superiors. It also brings confidence, an abundance of physical energy, and ambition. This will be a great day to reach for the stars, and network work for success. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius will have the most energy at their disposal right now.
On Wednesday, 8 August, Venus joins the party by making the week’s second trine with Jupiter. This aspect promotes enjoyable social events, and allows relationships between friends, family, and lovers to flourish. Even those who are not considered affectionate may have a difficult time resisting warm and fuzzy feelings. Venus and Jupiter can also bring monetary abundance, and can assist anyone willing to take a change in achieving positive results in financial endeavours.
Astro Homework
The overall positive energy should not be squandered, and your homework this week is all about reaching your full potential. While none of the aspects are particularly rare, it is rare to not see any challenging transits in the sky.
This week, reach for your dreams by taking chances that you previously feared. Even if you are unsure you can be successful, trust in Jupiter!
Aries (21 March — 20 April)

Taking financial chances and travelling are both promised to you this week, Aries. As the Sun makes its annual trine with Jupiter on Tuesday, 7 August, you can expect a push towards a long awaited goal. Taking a financial risk is possible right now, and you may find yourself flooded with a flurry of paperwork before the week is over. Do you best to find a friend to help keep you grounded, as you dream so big that it’s difficult to focus on the necessary details. Over the weekend a joyous celebration comes to your home, and you will want to make sure that you have enough food and drinks on hand for las minute visitors.
Magical mentor: Gnome
Taurus (21 April — 20 May)

Harmony comes to your home this week, Taurus, as those you live with will be much easier to get along with. Sharing a living space is never easy, and conflict is a natural part of these arrangements. However, this week is not one of those times, and you can expect to really enjoy spending time at home. A joint financial endeavour or home based business is also highlighted this week. You may be inspired to start working from home or see a boost in sales if you already do. This will be a great week to make your home the central hub of prosperity. Over the weekend, a minor domestic accident could leave a glass or figurine broken. Try not to obsess over the event.
Magical mentor: Griffin
Gemini (21 May — 20 June)

The power of persuasion is at your command this week, Gemini. If you want to have an important conversation, then now is the time to initiate it. Others will perceive your words as sincere, empathetic, and kind. This will be particularly helpful if you must confront another person with a delicate situation. The effects of this week’s aspects also spill into your romantic life and add a touch of extra sensuality to your relationship. Don’t be surprised if your partner plans an extravagant evening or weekend getaway. Allow yourself to be pampered, but don’t forget to return the affection.
Magical mentor: Nymph
Cancer (21 June — 20 July)

Cancer is no stranger to hard work, and as a Cancer, you are often the member of your family or group that ends up becoming the responsible one. For too long your efforts have gone unnoticed, but this week you are due for a change. Jupiter allows you to reap the benefits of your hard work with both praise and financial gain. Early in the week, you may have to sacrifice a few hours of your time to support someone else, but you will soon find that you are not alone. Someone in your life is picking up slack, and you will have the opportunity to focus on your own needs. Over the weekend an opportunity to earn extra income is possible. However, be certain to know exactly what you are getting yourself into.
Magical mentor: Afanc
Leo (21 July — 20 August)

Children and younger friends and family members will feature prominently in your life this week, Leo. For those of you with children, you may find yourself playing a more active role in their lives. Expect your interactions with kids to go smoothly, as you embrace the playful side of your personality. Leos without children may still find that they are placed in situations where they are interacting or caring for youngsters. Many may even be asked to babysit before the week is over. Over the weekend the world will be your oyster. Expect to stay busy racing from one social event to the next. While you may not be able to attend every party or get-together, you’ll certainly have a good time trying.
Magical mentor: Sprite
Virgo (21 August — 20 September)

The past comes back this week, Virgo, though not to haunt you. Too often the past is associated with emotional nostalgia that can seem overwhelming. This week you will have the opportunity to take a stroll down memory lane in a productive and healing way. It may be time to finally dig through old photo albums or clean out the attic. As you dig through the past, expect to find an item you previously thought had been lost forever. Over the weekend, expect the opportunity to enjoy lazing about the house as you recharge your batteries from a busy week, and this will be the culmination of a month’s long hard work.
Magical mentor: Brownie
Libra (21 September — 20 October)

An urge to stay busy washes over you this week, Libra, as staying still is not something you feel physically capable of. For most of the week you will be busy running errands around town, answering phone calls, and replying to text messages. Right now everyone wants your attention and you are enjoying being at the centre of it. Early in the week an important communication from an official or government agency brings good news. This may come in the form of a financial return in your favour, or a credit to your bank account. Over the weekend friends may ask you to help host a gathering. This will be an opportunity to let your party-throwing skills shine.
Magical mentor: Tengu
Scorpio (21 October — 20 November)

Allow yourself to shine at work, Scorpio, as it seems impossible for you to put a foot wrong this week. Of course, don’t take that as a challenge and try to get in trouble. Remember that the stars compel — they don’t command. An interaction with a supervisor midweek will present the opportunity for you to take on more responsibility, and that will lead to more money. Financial success is also promised, and you would do well to push extra funds into a property or group investment. Any money you put to work this week will make profitable gains. Though there is a bit of confusion about your plans for the weekend. You are unsure if you should put extra hours in at work, or splurge on a night out. No matter what you chose, you won’t have to worry that you made the wrong decision.
Magical mentor: Yeti
Sagittarius (21 November — 20 December)

Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is being amplified by the Sun and Venus this week, which gives you a much needed boost of energy, Sagittarius. You can expect to experience optimism, even if you’ve recently felt down. An opportunity to make a change to your physical appearance comes on Tuesday, 7 August, when a friend offers to give you a makeover or suggests a new style. Your initial instinct may be to reject their recommendation, but give change a try. Right now you are able to make improvements to the way others perceive you, and exterior advice will help you place the mark on what you might want to change. Over the weekend you may quickly become the object of another’s affection, and this marks the beginning of a romantic period for Sagittarius.
Magical mentor: Siren
Capricorn (21 December — 20 January)

Determination is the cornerstone of Capricorn’s many gifts, and this week you will be able to make significant psychological gains. As Jupiter is activated, you can expect to have the opportunity to address fears, self-destructive patterns, and habits that no longer serve you. While addressing these issues will be easier now than ever before, you may still need to reach out for assistance, whether from a friend or professional. Try to remember that you don’t have to carry life’s burdens on your own and others are available to lend a hand. As your psyche turns inward, it may be difficult for you to see a budding romance that presents itself over the weekend. Allow yourself to indulge in sensual pleasures without feeling guilty.
Magical mentor: Satyr
Aquarius (21 January — 20 February)

An opportunity to join a club or group presents itself this week, Aquarius, and while you do your best work alone, you may want to consider joining. This week there are endless opportunities to network, and they won’t just be professional or friendly. Aquariuses who are single may quickly find that a potential partner comes into their lives, and you won’t want to miss this opportunity by sitting on the sidelines, so jump into group activities and get involved with local organizations. Over the weekend a friend will come to you for advice with a relationship problem. Choose your words carefully, as they will accept your advice quickly and without analysis.
Magical mentor: Djinn
Pisces (21 February —20 March)

As most of the world seems to be enjoying the pleasantries of this week’s transits, you can’t help but focus on more practical matters, Pisces. You are driven to succeed right now, and while others are playing, you will be able to impress others with your hard work. You seem to have an endless supply of energy, and you may find yourself doing others’ work as well as your own. Expect a surprise encounter with a supervisor that may lead to a promotion. You career is on the cusp of major changes, and you will be able to reap rewards quicker than you anticipated. Over the weekend your hard working attitude spills over into your personal life, and changes to your daily routine or exercise regime are possible. If you’ve been thinking of getting a gym membership, you have the opportunity to make the most of it — without risk of letting your membership sit around unused.
Magical mentor: Elf