The big news at Hidden Insights this week is that is Mercury stationing direct. After three weeks of its retrograde motion, we can now begin to move forward again. For those who are having a difficult time getting back into gear, the two squares from the Sun and Venus to Uranus this week should give the world a jolt.
On Monday, 29 July, the Sun brings our first aspect with his square to Uranus. This will be a day filled with erratic energy that centres around finances. This would not be a good day to invest, open a bank account, or complete any major purchase. For many people, overspending and running out of cash is possible, and budgets should be monitored very closely.
Mercury stationing direct is always an important occasion to note, and this week it is particularly auspicious. As it comes to stop before moving forward again, Mercury will align with the fixed star Pollux. Ancient astrologers wrote that it had brute strength that could be used for either good or evil, depending on the planet that was activating the star. With Mercury, it can cause domestic disharmony, conflict with enemies, and a vicious tongue. The world can expect these themes to be present on Wednesday, 31 July.
The final aspect of the week occurs on Friday, 2 August, when Venus makes her square to Uranus, which sets the tone for the weekend. Stress between friend and romantic partners is possible where relationships have become too routine, while unorthodox relationships will thrive. This will be a great weekend to spice things up, or take a sudden leap of faith.
Astro Homework
Pollux is a powerhouse of energy, and Mercury gives us the opportunity to harness the influences of this star. Much like raw electricity, it can be used productively to power our lives. Used inappropriately, it can shock and cause a great deal of damage.
As Mercury stations direct on Wednesday, 31 July, light a candle to honour Pollux, and ask its energy to be directed constructively towards a goal you wish to accomplish. Pollux will work much faster if your request is focused on restoring a broken relationship, or rising above an obstacle or enemy.
Aries (21 March — 20 April)

This week is all about reclaiming your old self, Aries. Lately, it seems like the universe has been working against your ability to find stability. A financial change is possible on Monday, which will help you regain lost income. Be on the lookout for opportunities to earn extra income, especially by unconventional means. Balance is restored to your home life midweek as Mercury begins to move forward. If there has been tension, arguments, and general discord, don’t worry, you will finally be able to see a light at the end of this tunnel. Over the weekend an unexpected expense may delay travel plans. Go with the flow, but take care of your immediate responsibilities first.
Patronus: Whale
Taurus (21 April — 20 May)

This week there are surprises around every corner, Taurus, which come to brighten your day. A gift received early in the week may be just what you need to pull yourself out of a funk. However, you need to be careful not to make any major changes to your physical appearance right now. The hair colour you picked may not work the way you expect. Give yourself extra time to arrive at meetings or appointments on Wednesday, as unexpected delays will slow you down. Over the weekend, a female family member makes an appearance in your life, and you will need to be tread cautiously. An argument is possible if you are unwilling to hear their side of the story.
Patronus: Skunk
Gemini (21 May — 20 June)

There is an old rhyme that goes, “Secrets, secrets are no fun; secrets, secrets, hurt someone.” Try to remember this adage right now, Gemini, as gossip whirls around you like a tornado out of control. Other will be inclined to trust you with information, as well as attempt to uncover your secrets. Your best course of action right now is brutal honesty, and avoidance of rumours. As your ruling planet stations direct, you can expect relief from the financial turbulence you’ve been experiencing in the last three weeks. However, this is not the time to go on a wild spending spree, or indulge in retail therapy. A conservative approach to your finances will pay big later in the year.
Patronus: Loon
Cancer (21 June — 20 July)

Free spirited and unusual people will be naturally drawn to you this week, Cancer. You may even be invited to join a private club or group. For those of you who are already a part of a group or organization, be aware that the dynamic may be tested this week. You may also be called to donate time or money to a group or cause. Of course, giving back is always a nice gesture, but don’t allow yourself to be taken advantage of. As Mercury stations direct in your sign it will feel like a massive weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Sudden and recent responsibilities have consumed a great deal of your time, and you will now be able to focus on yourself instead of others.
Patronus: Axolotl
Leo (21 July — 20 August)

Your professional life comes under a bit of pressure this week, Leo, as changes at work may cause you to consider another line of employment. Try to remember that everyone goes through rough periods, and that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. Authority figures may be looking at you more closely this week, which can include supervisors, government officials, and even parents. Be sure to put your best foot forward, and don’t let your ego inspire an inappropriate slip of the tongue. Keeping your ears open and your mouth shut will be your greatest strength right now.
Patronus: Eagle
Virgo (21 August — 20 September)

Unexpected travel is possible right now, Virgo, and you may find yourself on the road before the week is over. However, travel is not the only area of life where the unexpected might occur: legal agreements are also highlighted this week. You will want to make sure you approach any law or government official with caution, as sudden changes have the potential to bring either limitless rewards or powerful losses. The return of an old friend is promised mid-week, and they will be able to provide you with the sound advice you are desperately craving. Over the weekend you may want to find time to hibernate from the chaos of your everyday life. It is a good time to rent a movie and order in.
Patronus: Alligator
Libra (21 September — 20 October)

You are a creature of balance, Libra, and you often look to others for support, as you freely support those you care about. However, this week it may be difficult to count on others, and you will be challenged to embrace independence. As you take care of your own affairs, expect a boost at work. Lately you may have been feeling off here, but your ability to shine will return once again. Expect the opportunity to take the lead on a project or task at work, as well as the ability to impress your employer. Before the end of the week you will have the opportunity to network with people in positions of power who may help you continue to climb the corporate ladder.
Patronus: Beaver
Scorpio (21 October — 20 November)

Conflict between your professional life and your love life may be at odds this week, Scorpio, as you struggle to give both the attention they need. Uranus is in your house of partnerships, and it is being activated by the Sun and Venus right now. This week you may need to address tension with a loved one, and these conversations are never easy. It may be necessary for the two of you to take a long weekend vacation together in order to reestablish the flame within the relationship. This week is all about choice, and as Mercury stations direct midweek, you’ll be able to once again focus on the finer details and not be clouded by the larger picture. If possible, have important conversations with a loved one after Wednesday, 31 July to get the most out of your efforts.
Patronus: Elk
Sagittarius (21 November — 20 December)

Your health may throw you a few curve balls this week, and a nagging cough or sensitive stomach will make it difficult for you to feel at your peak, Sagittarius. This is the universe’s way of telling you to slow down. For too long you’ve been constantly on the go, leaving precious little time for you to nurture your own needs. If you don’t take it easy this week, the stars may just send you a cold in order to force you to stay in bed. As Mercury stations direct in your eighth house, you can expect the urge to dig deep and uncover new information. Honouring this need by reading, doing research, or watching travel shows will help scratch that itch, while also keeping you in one spot long enough to let your body rest.
Patronus: Sloth
Capricorn (21 December — 20 January)

It is said that all is fair and love and war, and this week you may have to play dirty, Capricorn. Conflict in your romantic life early in the week tests your patience and leaves you asking yourself if romantic entanglements are worth the effort. Your practical nature makes it difficult for you to accept anything less than order. However, sometimes relationships need a bit of upheaval and drama to keep things exciting. Allow yourself to embrace the angsty energy of a teenager in love, and you will be rewarded before the week is over. Over the weekend you can expect to be inspired to splurge on a friend or loved one.
Patronus: Great Hornbill
Aquarius (21 January — 20 February)

Changes at home continue this week, Aquarius, and you may find yourself continually changing your routine in order to adjust new responsibilities. While your home may feel as though it’s in a state of chaos, you’ll be much better equipped to handle the stress after Wednesday. As Mercury stations direct, you can once again organize your agenda and life with ease. You may even find that a friend or relative is suddenly available to help you navigate the pandemonium. However, you must be cautious not to overwhelm your support system, or you’ll find yourself in a heated debate on Friday. Over the weekend, plans to get away may need to be changed or cancelled. Take the reasons for this last minute adjustment with a grain of salt, and know that next weekend you will be able to relax.
Patronus: Bonobo
Pisces (21 February — 20 March)

Push yourself outside of your comfort zone this week, Pisces, as you will be presented with several opportunities to break out of your shell. Others may look at this new way of expressing yourself as odd, but their opinions don’t bother you. Pisces who have siblings may encounter conflict with these members of the family, and you will need to learn to stand your ground. It’s ok to be different, and the approval of others is not required. As Mercury stations direct, you may be inspired to create or engage in an artistic endeavour. Don’t ignore these feelings. Now is the time for you to embrace creativity and uncover your own personal brand and style. Over the weekend, a flurry of responsibilities may take you away from your creative projects. Work diligently early in the morning, so you can play in the evening.
Patronus: Elephant