The big change that Hidden Insights is tracking this week is that Saturn stationing retrograde. Saturn rules karma, old age, time, rules, and long-lasting bonds. Over the next four months, Saturn will bring his toughest lessons, and begin to level the playing field across the globe. In Capricorn, these cosmic lessons will focus on the workplace and personal reputations. We can expect justice with coworkers and supervisors right now. This will be particularly shocking to those who believed they have been able to pull the proverbial wool over employers or employees eyes, as truth is revealed. As a time of reaping, we can benefit from the labours of our good deeds as well. Expect much of the week and the next several months to be filled with difficult lessons, and bountiful rewards.
Mercury is this week’s busiest planet as he makes aspects with Mars, Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter. Beginning Wednesday, we can anticipate intense conversations, and the potential to speak out of turn. Thursday may produce power struggles between friends and loved ones. Fortunately, Mercury completes his rounds with a lovely trine to Jupiter. Here, conflicts can more easily be resolved and optimistic attitudes clear the harsh energy. This sets the stage for a relaxing weekend with no major astrological activity.
Astro Homework
As Saturn stations retrograde this week it is important to acknowledge that what we have sown, we soon will reap. Lessons are often difficult with Saturn, which anyone who has gone through their first Saturn return understands (this typically takes place around the age of 29-30). As the great teacher, we cannot escape its lessons, and being open to challenges will make them easier to deal with.
Your assignment this week is to consider the choices you have made over the last year. Make a list of what you have accomplished, and what you feel the need to improve on. Saturn will appreciate the effort, and like a parent who sees a truly remorseful child, will lessen the sentence.
Aries (21 March — 20 April)

Let’s face it, Aries, work has not been a bed of roses lately, and your desire to be the best may not be manifesting that way you typically want it to. Saturn stations retrograde in your house of career and reputation, giving you the opportunity to refocus how you achieve success. A mistake or two may pop up before the week is over, which may sting your ego. Be particularly cautious of your words on Wednesday and Thursday, as Mercury makes a harsh square to Saturn and Pluto. You may regret a comment expressed to a supervisor or client. Over the weekend, take time to map out a plan for success to combat the mistakes you have made.
Tea of the Week: Chamomile
Taurus (21 April — 20 May)

Philosophical debates are probable this week, Taurus, as your beliefs are tested. Early in the week, you may encounter an individual who forces you to question your faith. Allow the views of others to improve your world outlook. Tensions rise on Wednesday, and if you’ve planned to travel this week, you will encounter a series of frustrating delays. This will have a similar feel to a Mercury retrograde, though it fortunately only lasts for two days. Over the weekend, a favourable financial return hits your bank account. Expect a refund or opportunity to submit a rebate.
Tea of the Week: Jasmine
Gemini (21 May — 20 June)

This week is all about compromise, Gemini, as you are called to understand and accept the personal values of others. Being a dual-natured sign, this is easier for you than most, but it will still present challenges. News from a friend or family member about an ending is due on Wednesday. This can manifest in the form of a metaphorical or actual. For Geminis who are romantically involved, Thursday shifts the heavy energy of the week. Expect a jolt of joy in your relationship and the potential for a surprise date night. Over the weekend, a wedding, or news of an engagement, enters your immediate environment. It might be a good idea to put some money away for a gift.
Tea of the Week: Dandelion
Cancer (21 June — 20 July)

Your closest relationships come under pressure this week, Cancer, as Saturn stations retrograde. All relationships face their challenges from time to time and its time to work out your differences. Saturn never makes our work easy, and over the next four months, you may even find that there are certain individuals who no longer serve your highest good. If this is the case, let them go. Holding on to unhealthy individuals will only make it more painful when Saturn rips them away. Midweek a series of professional contacts can be made, and it is a time to establish strong bonds between you and your employer. Over the weekend, you get a boost to your immune system, and if you’ve been struggling with a nagging illness or pain, it will be resolved.
Tea of the Week: Fennel
Leo (21 July — 20 August)

It may be difficult for you to be patient this week, Leo, especially where work is concerned. Coworkers appear to be testing your ability to handle a crisis, and you’re ready to explode. Fortunately, the pressure from others at work can be revealed to a supervisor right now. Stay strong, and avoid making a scene. By the end of the week, you will be rewarded for your efforts. An argument at work on Thursday pushes you to the limit of your self-control, and this will be the day you need to exercise the most restraint. If possible, walk away from a challenging situation to refocus and collect your thoughts. Over the weekend, a short trip with a loved one helps you unwind from the week’s stressors.
Tea of the Week: Sweet Violet
Virgo (21 August — 20 September)

Recently, Virgo, you’ve had the ability to flex your creative muscles. This week, those creative instincts will be harder to access. For some, this may manifest as writer’s block. Instead of trying to create right now, uncover how you can profit from your creativity. The next several months mark a period where you can prepare to receive recognition or financial rewards from your talents. Gambling and financial risk-taking are emphasized. While you may not win big, your chances of winning are increased. Of course, this is not necessarily for every Virgo, and always use discretion when gambling. Over the weekend, an investment in your home or immediate surroundings can be made, with the best deals and discounts.
Tea of the Week: Peppermint
Libra (21 September — 20 October)

It’s time to get your home in order, Libra, and it may be a bigger challenge than you expected. As Saturn stations retrograde in your fourth house, Saturn is asking you to confront a large domestic project. Family is also highlighted, and on Tuesday, you may need to confront a long-hidden conflict with someone close to you. Use this opportunity to clear the air, and reestablish both trust and balance. Discussion surrounding changes in your home are also likely this week, and there may be a few tense debates. You love to talk things through, though you may find these conversations to be more aggressive than usual. Remember that others are not trying to hurt your feelings, they are more interested in helping you achieve your best life.
Tea of the Week: Green
Scorpio (21 October — 20 November)

You are on the cusp of major life changes this week, Scorpio. Saturn is asking you to review your past and prepare to learn a few important lessons over the next several months. Travel may pose a number of challenges, particularly midweek. If you drive, be certain to have a full tank of gas, recent oil change, and inflated tires. On Thursday, a piece of news about your income pops-up, and you may be next in line for a raise or bonus. Be on the lookout for the opportunity to jump into a higher pay grade. Over the weekend, if you have to work, you can expect coworkers, or employees, to give you a hard time. Therefore, prepare to exercise verbal restraint. For those who do not work on the weekends, a challenging conversation about your direction in life with a loved one puts you at odds with one another.
Tea of the Week: Ginseng
Sagittarius (21 November — 20 December)

It’s time to reign in your spending, Sagittarius, as Saturn asks you to evaluate your funds. He has been moving through your house of finances since January, and this has brought stability to your financial securities. As he stations retrograde, you need to take a moment to step back and plan for your long term financial future. Expect offers to assist you with this type of planning right now, and the opportunity to spend money on long term investing or savings accounts. Now is not the time to go on a spending spree, despite how you may feel. Ask yourself if what you want to buy is something you really need or something you want. Midweek, the temptation to make a large purchase intensifies, and youĂll need to exercise restraint to say no. Over the weekend, a romantic fling is possible. Enjoy exploring a new side your sexual identity.
Tea of the Week: Lemon Balm
Capricorn (21 December — 20 January)

Your ruling planet, in your sign stations retrograde this week, and above all signs, you will feel it most intensely, Capricorn. A new level of maturity becomes real for you this week and it’s time to make a change not only in your life’s direction but your identity. Now, this may seem heavy for a weekly horoscope, but it’s important to be aware that a number of opportunities will present their selves right now. A new level of maturity and responsibility is also promised, and a series of events will trigger the change this week. For many, this may manifest in terms of your career and upward mobility. On Wednesday, expect a challenging discussion at home related to a bill. Over the weekend a family secret may come up, and you will need to address a moral concern with someone you are related to.
Tea of the Week: Hibiscus
Aquarius (21 January — 20 February)

Like Capricorn, Aquarius, you are also ruled by the planet Saturn, which stations retrograde this week. However, since it is not in your sign, the effects are due to be slightly different. In your 12th house, themes surround mysticism, meditation, and parapsychology. Expect the opportunity to make these types of metaphysic disciplines a more prominent part of your life. If you are invited to join a meditation group or drum circle, go for it. On Tuesday, Mercury and Mars bring a surprise visitor from your past, and you have the opportunity to enjoy reconnecting with a friend. Thursday brings a powerhouse of Pluto energy, which may trigger a minor accident or illness. Keep your eyes open, and drink plenty of water to avoid having to use a band-aid or decongestant.
Tea of the Week: Echinacea
Pisces (21 February — 20 March)

Tensions in your social circles, and among groups of friends is evident this week, Pisces. You may even be called to act as a mediator before the week is over. As Saturn stations retrograde, you can anticipate the need to learn how to work more cooperatively with others. Too often it is easy for you to take the back seat, and allow others to lead. You won’t be able to do that right now, as others need your intuitive skills to help get everyone on the same page. Along with flexing your leadership skills, you can expect a number of difficult conversations to occur surrounding money. This will be most evident with friends who come to you for financial advice. Over the weekend you take center stage, and if you’ve prepared during the week you’ll put yourself in a position to climb new heights on the social ladder.
Tea of the Week: Raspberry