Hidden Insights observes a number of dramatic changes in the heavens as Neptune is highlighted for a second week in a row. The planet of spiritual fog and delusions is hit by both Jupiter and Saturn before turning retrograde at the end of the week. There is also a particularly stunning Full Moon, as well as a harsh opposition between Mars and Pluto. It is the challenge of the week to find order in a sea of uncertainty.
The week begins with Jupiter forming a rare square with Neptune. This aspect forces individuals around the world to face their fears. Here we are able to confront unhealthy patterns in our lives.
As the Moon turns full in Sagittarius on Monday, 17 June it aligns with the fixed star Alculeus. Medieval astrologers observed that this star cause blindness. With the Neptune’s fog, we can expect be unable to see the truth right now even with the clarity of Saturn making a sextile to Neptune on Tuesday, 18 June.
As Mars moves into an opposition with Pluto on Wednesday, 19 June the world divides itself into two forms of expression. Half of the population will argue with everyone in an overly emotional way, while the other half will be inspired to ruthlessly win at any cost.
Neptune stationing retrograde on Friday, 21 June is this week’s biggest event and will remain in a backwards motion until Wednesday, 27 November 2019. This five-month period marks a time where creativity is more easily accessed. Spirituality and fantasy become more important than the typical drudge of the real world. Compassion for others will also be magnified as the desire to nurture the world takes over societies harsher realities.
Astro Homework
The world is often obsessed with or places too much emphasis on personal success, physical fitness, and financial stability. As Neptune is activated this week, it is time to focus on one’s emotional and spiritual wellness. Spend time taking stock of your mental wellbeing, and strengthen your spiritual body. There is a great capacity to overcome fear and to break free from negative thought patterns.
This is also a great time to begin therapeutic work with a professional. Even if you don’t enroll in therapy, find new ways to take care of your soul. Spend less time in front of a screen, read about and practice mindfulness, and spend more time in reflective prayer or meditation.
Aries (21 March — 20 April)

Large existential questions occupy your mind this week, Aries, as you feel more pensive than usual. Where you typically are ready to hit the ground running, Neptune forces you to slow down. Tuesday brings the opportunity to restore lost integrity at work. If you are confronted by a supervisor about a mistake you may have made, own it with confidence. A struggle between your personal and professional lives comes to a head midweek, and you may find it difficult to balance the two. Now is the time for personal sacrifice, as Pluto is about to change the way you earn money. If there is discord in your home, assure those you love that your current workload is only a temporary situation.
Power colour: Yellow
Taurus (21 April — 20 May)

Jealousy is never an easy emotion to deal with, Taurus, and it’s something we all experience every once in a while. Expect a conflict of egos and challenging feelings to surface between you and your friends. This week’s Full Moon hits your eighth house, and aligned with a malefic star, it brings an unexpected bill. Even if it is not your own debt, don’t be surprised if a friend’s financial situation has an impact on you. The conflict promised this week culminates on Wednesday, 19 June, when an argument brings the feelings of everyone around you out in the open. While painful, these harsh truths are needed for healing. Over the weekend, Neptune brings a gentle calm back to your relationships with friends. In fact, you are closer now that tensions have been worked out.
Power colour: Violet
Gemini (21 May — 20 June)

The balance between your professional and romantic life comes under fire this week, Gemini, as you struggle to be fully engaged with a partner. Work responsibilities seem to be taking more of your time than usual. As the Full Moon blinds your ability to see the needs of others, you may be surprised to find out a friend or partner is feeling neglected. Your best course of action right now is to be vigilant with the attention you give to those closest to you. A financial disagreement occurs on Wednesday, 19 June, as Mars opposes Pluto in your axis of income and debt. However, this can also be a powerful transit for increasing personal wealth if intelligent risks are taken. So, invest wisely and avoid gambling. Over the weekend, Neptune brings creativity to your work and you are entering a period where artistic endeavours can be profitable.
Power colour: Pink
Cancer (21 June — 20 July)

You have an opportunity to expand your intellectual horizons this week, Cancer. The harsh square between Jupiter and Neptune push you out of your comfort zone, and allow you to think philosophically about issues in life you have never previously considered. This may bring up questions about what you believe spiritually, what importance you place on wealth, or even what you morally support. It’s ok to change opinions or beliefs, even if it initially feels uncomfortable. Don’t be surprised if a discussion with a stranger, or even a news article, gives you a new perspective on controversial issues. Look for this to occur midweek. Over the weekend, Neptune triggers a period, until November, where long distance travel, or even long distance moves, are possible.
Power colour: Burnt orange
Leo (21 July — 20 August)

Leos have a natural affinity for teaching and for the care of children. This week, this sector of your chart is activated in an unusual way. For Leos who have children, you will need to confront a fear you have about raising a child, or even help your child face a fear. If you are a Leo without children, expect this to manifest in the form of giving the same assistance to someone younger than yourself. Remember that you are naturally ruled by the Sun, and you have the amazing ability to shine light on even the darkest of times. A minor health issue may surface midweek, so be certain to have your arsenal of medical supplies on hand. Over the weekend, Neptune stations retrograde in your house of others’ money. The next five months may bring challenges to a partner’s finances that affect your own, and you will be particularly susceptible to fraud.
Power colour: Sky blue
Virgo (21 August — 20 September)

A change to the typical routine at home is possible this week, Virgo. The universe is asking you to confront unhealthy patterns with those you live with. As a naturally organized person, you can easily help others get bad habits in order. However, you need to be cautious not to become overly critical, as change is rarely comfortable. Also, expect to uncover something in your home you thought was lost. This pleasant surprise both shocks and amazes. As you uncover a missing item, you may also lose an item or two as well. It’s as if every time you put something down, you are unable to remember where it was placed. Don’t allow this to frustrate you, as this pattern will clear up by the end of the week. As Neptune stations retrograde over the weekend, the next five months promise a complete overhaul of your most intimate relationships. They are due to become more loving, more compassionate, and even more creative in the bedroom.
Power colour: Indigo
Libra (21 September — 20 October)

It’s time to focus on your health this week, Libra. Jupiter and Neptune push to not only think about making health and lifestyle changes, but also bring others into your life to help. Conversations about diet, exercise, and grooming occur sporadically through the week. Go ahead and treat yourself to a new shampoo, body lotion, or detox mask. Health professionals also feature prominently, and it’s a great time to work with a professional towards health goals. While these conversations are productive, you may notice your own words seem to give you trouble. Laugh it off, and avoid any public speeches, if possible. Over the weekend, Neptune stations retrograde in your sector of health and daily tasks. The next five months bring a spiritual flavour to your approach to diet, exercise, and daily discipline.
Power colour: Mint green
Scorpio (21 October — 20 November)

Financial concerns arise this week, Scorpio, and you can’t help but obsess over your bank accounts and income. Perhaps you’ve spent more than you are comfortable with over the last few weeks, and it has now become a matter of concern. Fortunately, you do not have anything to worry about; it’s just an irrational fear rearing its ugly head. To make matters worse, this month’s Full Moon is making it difficult for you to budget clearly. You are certain you missed something, but you just can’t remember what. All will become clear on Tuesday, 18 June, and you can lay your worries to rest. A heated argument, unrelated to money, surfaces on Thursday, 20 June, and your sharp tongue may bring another to tears, if you are not careful. Try to remember that you don’t have to always go straight for the jugular when fighting. Over the weekend, Neptune stations retrograde in your sector o leisure and creativity. The next five months promise the ability to think outside the box and find creative ways to escape when you unable to vacation.
Power colour: Midnight blue
Sagittarius (21 November — 20 December)

Your ruling planet, Jupiter, forms a harsh square with Neptune this week, Sagittarius, and it has the potential to make your home environment uncomfortable and even lonely. You have no interest staying indoors, and spending too much time at home triggers unacknowledged fears. Fortunately, you have the financial means to stay busy. Expect to stay on the go and meet a number of interesting people along the way. As this month’s dangerous Full Moon occurs in your sign, it is important to be aware of its effects. Sagittarians will need to be particularly cautious with their eyes. An increase in itchy, allergic reactions are possible, and it may not be out of the realm of possibilities to get something caught in an eye. Stay on top of the situation, and be certain to wear sunglasses or protective eyewear while you are out and about.
Power colour: Ivory
Capricorn (21 December —20 January)

Rumours and are flying this week, Capricorn, and you may hear a number of surprising secrets. However, you need to be careful not to get caught up in spreading gossip. If you do, you run the risk of having your own secrets unfairly revealed. Your ruling planet, Saturn, makes a lovely sextile to Neptune on Tuesday, 18 June which promises to reward integrity with a financial boost. Even when others around you are facing uncertainty this week, you will be able to remain calm and collected. In fact, your unique brand of wisdom may even help you knock rational thinking back into a loved one who is feeling anxious. Expect this encounter to occur on Wednesday, 19 June, and don’t be afraid to be forceful, if necessary. Over the weekend, Neptune sets you free from the drudge of mundane responsibility. The next five months promise a more carefree, creative, and relaxing life.
Power colour: Crimson
Aquarius (21 January — 20 February)

Lending money to friends is never a good idea, Aquarius, and especially right now. A person who you feel you can trust may be looking for a personal loan, and your good nature wants to help. However, now is not the right time to help others financially. Try to be firm, and don’t let emotion force you to give in. As you turn down the request, expect a bit of push back and uncomfortable feelings. Fortunately, these feelings will not last long, and your relationship will return to its former dynamic fairly quickly. Pets become a central focus midweek, and for those who have animal companions, an increase in aggression may be seen. Take this as sign of a medical condition, and see a veterinarian to prevent the development of something more serious. For those without pets, your own health may come under question, and visit to a medical provider is possible. Over the weekend, Neptune stations retrograde in your house of finances. You will need to be particularly careful with your spending for the next five months in order to avoid draining your resources.
Power colour: Lavender
Pisces (21 February —20 March)

Professional success is promised this week, Pisces, though not without a price. There is an old saying that when your personal life begins to fall apart, it’s time for a promotion. While you may feel as though you are losing some of your personal identity, you can’t help but put everything you have into your work. This is a great week to climb the corporate ladder, though you may find yourself stepping on a few toes in the process. It is not in your nature to behave in this manner, and it may feel uncomfortable. However, once on top, you will have the freedom to make large scale changes that can help everyone. Expect to be confronted on Wednesday, 19 June, when a friend makes a comment on your recent behaviour. Stand your ground and avoid being made to feel guilty for wanting to achieve success. Over the weekend, Neptune stations retrograde in your first house. As the natural ruler of Pisces, this has the ability to help you change your entire identity. Expect the next five months to be a period of personal reinvention. You have the opportunity to become whoever you wish. The only limit is your imagination.
Power colour: Light grey