Hidden Insights observes a series of harsh planetary transits that will set the stage for a series of emotional roadblocks and explosions. The week begins with the annual opposition between the Sun and Pluto, which produces a need for secrecy that often ends with a crisis of passion. Shortly after, the Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday, 16 July threatens to purge emotional truth within relationships. Hidden Insights is reminded of the song “Unbreak My Heart” by Toni Braxton as emotional wounds surface, and relationships are put to the test. In the song, Braxton sings passionately about missing the security of an old romance, and wanting to undo all of the pain from the past.
Powerful purging energy can be difficult to deal with, especially when it is triggered by an eclipse and aspects to Pluto. While there is often a lighter side to every transit, it will be difficult to see the bright side. It is best to allow the transformative energy of the heavens to work its wonders without fighting back. The only lull in the week comes on Thursday, 18 July when Venus and Neptune promise relief with the gifts of compassion and peaceful release.
Last week, Mercury stationed retrograde in Leo and that brought dramatic self-expression. As this expressive planet moves backwards in the heavens, he falls out of Leo and into Cancer. Here the desire to impose personal feelings on others may be overwhelming. People must be particularly cautious over the weekend and for the remainder of the retrograde period, and maintain a sharp distinction between personal and professional lives.
Astro Homework
When the planets throw life into total chaotic abandon, Hidden Insights likes to find ways to help offset the energy. Loyal readers will be familiar with the practical use that can be placed on even the most distressing transit.
Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be much to be done about this week’s energy. For this reason, your homework assignment is to accept chaos that comes this week with unyielding apathy. Challenging events may make no sense to the logical or spiritual mind. However, we must trust that it makes sense to the Universe.
Make the mantra, “Accept, and move on” your personal shield this week, and trust that all is as it is should be.
Aries (21 March — 20 April)

A struggle exists this week between your work and home life, Aries. Your career is undergoing a major change, and it may be difficult to focus on family right now. The lunar eclipse on Tuesday, 16 July brings a rebirth of your reputation, and you can expect opportunities for advancement if you make the appropriate sacrifices right now. Compassion comes to your home on Thursday, 18 July and you will be able to call on support from loved ones. Over the weekend, the current Mercury retrograde allows you to spend much needed time at home.
Classic cartoon: George Jetson
Taurus (21 April — 20 May)

Faith will play a large role in your life this week, Taurus, and you will find comfort in a being higher than yourself. They will help you deal with the feeling that nothing in your life is going right. Early in the week you can expect others to share their own experiences with faith, or you may have a healing conversation with a spiritual leader or clergy member. Expect a challenging encounter with a relative on Wednesday, 17 July. It may not be the best idea to confront a sibling about an issue that has been weighing heavily on your mind. At least, not right now. Save this conversation for August. Over the weekend, transportation issues may surface. Be certain to give yourself plenty of time to arrive places on time.
Classic cartoon: Porky Pig
Gemini (21 May — 20 June)

This week’s lunar eclipse strikes your axis of debt and income, Gemini. This creates a conflict of power between what you are earning and what you are spending. Unexpected expenses arrive early in the week that will require you to find a creative way to balance your budget. Sexual tensions rise midweek when the awareness of your sexual needs or health come into focus. For Gemini’s who are sexually active, it would be a good idea be aware that injury during sexual activities is possible. Play it safe and wear a helmet if you plan on swinging from a chandelier. Over the weekend, expect your financial stress to swing in your favour, as a return on an investment is promised.
Classic cartoon: Daffy Duck
Cancer (21 June — 20 July)

Close relationships come under fire this week, Cancer, as control issues between you and someone important in your life begin to surface. It will be difficult to trust others, as Pluto and the eclipse trigger the exposure of secrets. If you’ve been keeping a secret from friends or family, it will be exposed. Others secrets may also be revealed. The most stress inducing day will be on Wednesday 17 July, as Venus and Saturn bring cold and harsh conversations between you and others. Over the weekend Mercury moves retrograde into Cancer. Here you can expect to feel the powerful current of restructuring energy. Mercury asks you to think about the steps you will need to take in the coming weeks to redefine your life.
Classic cartoon: Casper
Leo (21 July — 20 August)

Be certain to double check all of your work this week, Leo, as supervisors and coworkers will be watching you with a discerning eye. Now is not the time to cut corners or bend the rules. It’s not that you have a bullseye on your back, you just draw more attention to yourself at work right now. The eclipse on Tuesday, 16 July could trigger a few minor aches and pains, so be sure to keep a close eye on your health. This week, a friend or ex from the past will surface, and you may have to confront an old emotional wound that has not yet been resolved. Friday and Saturday bring a dip in your stamina. If possible, schedule a day to relax in bed.
Classic cartoon: Wile E. Coyote
Virgo (21 August — 20 September)

Creativity and love blossom for you this week, Virgo, and you are called to complete a number of crafts that interest you. Finding a creative outlet will help you work through feelings of self-doubt and apathy you’ve recently experienced. The urge to take chances with your money and gambling appear early in the week, and many Virgos will experience a surge of luck in this area. Of course, if you are not the gambling type of person, then take a chance on love, as romance is promised as the week comes to an end. Allow someone special to spoil you with attention. Even the confident Virgo needs their ego stroked every once in a while.
Classic cartoon: Betty Boop
Libra (21 September — 20 October)

A change at home is promised this week, Libra. Even if you don’t plan on changing residences, the lunar eclipse promises a shift. For some, this may manifest as the need to redecorate or purge your living space. For others, a new addition to your home is possible. Remember that lunar eclipse energy can last for several weeks, so events this week can bring the change between now and the end of the month. As you prepare for a change at home, you can expect a shift at work as well. Mercury moves into your house of career. This brings the opportunity for you to review your professional direction, and even make a surprising contact with a potential employer.
Classic cartoon: Wilma Flintstone
Scorpio (21 October — 20 November)

Learning a new skill is highlighted by this week’s eclipse, Scorpio, and you feel the need to expand your mental horizons. However, as Mercury is still retrograde, this may be difficult to accomplish. Family you can usually count on for support may feel distant, and it will be difficult to get their input on a challenge you are facing. Your best course of action this week is to keep your nose to the proverbial grindstone and make as much progress as you can in learning a new skill, even if it feels slow. Travel plans that you may have for this weekend could change abruptly, so be prepared to deal with last minute rescheduling.
Classic cartoon: Snagglepuss
Sagittarius (21 November — 20 December)

Your self-confidence may be questioned this week, Sagittarius, as doubts clog your thinking. Early in the week a friend may come to you looking for a financial loan. This is never a good idea, but it particularly ill-advised right now. Don’t let another person’s sad story or emotional bullying make you feel bad. It’s ok to say no, and you don’t need to feel guilty about it. Happy news arrives to your home on Thursday, 18 July, and this will allow you to throw yourself a personal celebration. Perhaps you treat yourself to a favourite meal, or new piece of clothing. No matter how you celebrate, splurge a little on yourself. This will help lift your spirits from the conflict earlier in the week.
Classic cartoon: Shaggy Rogers
Capricorn (21 December — 20 January)

This week’s lunar eclipse occurs in your sign, Capricorn, making it particularly personal for you. Those born January on 13th, 14th, or 15th will be most strongly affected. It may be difficult for you to remain composed this week, as your emotions are running high. At times you may feel on the verge of losing control, and snapping at those who are most important to you. While this eclipse energy may be difficult to deal with, try to avoid suppressing your feelings. An argument midweek with a partner or spouse is likely. If possible, walk away from emotionally charged situations in order to avoid doing irreversible damage. Over the weekend, the intense energy of the week will begin to fade, though you should still do your best to remember that others are feeling sensitive as well.
Classic cartoon: Yosemite Sam
Aquarius (21 January — 20 February)

Staying on top of your daily to-do list will be a challenge this week, Aquarius. Laundry, dishes, and other responsibilities are piling up, and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. The need to procrastinate is overwhelming as your desire to embrace a lazy lifestyle intensifies. It’s ok to be lazy, and everything you feel you need to do can honestly wait. Right now you need to nurse your own desire to embrace introversion. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Perhaps someone else can carry the burden of household chores right now. However, if you do want help, make sure to ask early in the week, as you are not likely to find sympathy from others after Wednesday. Extra sleep will be needed over the weekend, as you may be fighting a mild cold or stomach virus. Stay ahead of the transits by adding extra fruits and vegetables into your diet right now.
Classic cartoon: Snoopy
Pisces (21 February — 20 March)

Caring for others is a gift that is given to Pisces, and this week you will have the opportunity to flex these muscles. Many may find out this week that they will become parents, or find they are now in a position to care for an aging family member. Those around you will be dealing with intense emotional surges, and you have the talent to help them navigate the murky waters. An outing with friends this week also gives you the opportunity to nurture people in your life. Just be certain that you are not the one cleaning up vomit after a night of heavy drinking over the weekend. You may need to be the voice of reason to help others avoid excess.
Classic cartoon: Velma Dinkley