Religious and spiritual beliefs take centre stage this week at Hidden Insights, as several philosophical alignments light up the heavens. An impressive square between Jupiter and Neptune on Sunday, 13 January sets the stage for the entire week. Jupiter typically oversees the rules and dogma of religion, while Neptune rules the spiritual side of faith and mysticism. When these planets are at odds, it creates conflict within religious institutions as well as on a personal level. We can expect to hear announcements from religious leaders, news about religious organizations, and the possible exposure of cults and cult leaders.
Conversations around the world that centre on universal and cultural morality also come to focus this week as Mercury and Saturn align. Not only will these two planets come together, but they come together on a very powerful fixed star, Nunki. This star, also known as Pelagus, inspires religious discussions and promotes truth. Paired with Mercury and Saturn, we can expect government and public officials to join the conversation along with religious leaders.
On Friday, Venus and Mars dance beautifully together in a harmonious trine. In fire signs, interpersonal relationships between romantic partners will heat up. Valentine’s Day may be a month away, but these two planets put most of the world in an amorous and passionate mood. This is paired with the Sun’s bi-annual square to Uranus which highlights freedom and adventure. The weekend buzzes with romantic getaways and date nights, so it would be a good idea to make dinner reservations or buy event tickets as early as possible.
Astro Homework
Religious energy this week gives us the opportunity to examine the role of spirituality in our lives. Your homework assignment this week is to research and learn about a religion or belief system that is foreign to you. Over the weekend, take what you have learned and share it with a friend or romantic partner to elevate the relationship to a more meaningful level. This is a great time to unite over beliefs.
Aries (21 March — 20 April)

As Jupiter triggers Neptune in your 12th house you can expect a week filled with spiritual revelations. Over the last year you have put the spiritual side of your life on hold in order to deal with more mundane aspects of your life. You are now itching to reconnect with your inner mystic and may even be ready to take a leadership role within a religious institution. Monday and Tuesday represent an exciting time for your environment at work, and you will have the opportunity to hold deep conversations with a person in a position of power. The weekend’s romantic energy is not your own, as you are more inclined to flirt with learning a new form of meditation, manifestation or ritual. Let your friends and family know that you are on a personal mission and need to do things on your own right now.
Power colour: Violet
Taurus (21 April — 20 May)

Family debt rears its head for you this week, as financial restructuring is on the agenda. Early in the week a family member will approach you to help sort out joint financial responsibilities. Fortunately, you are blessed with the ability to save, and it will be your unique insight that shows where corners can be cut. On Wednesday, a text, postcard, or social media message from a friend brings the potential to travel. Of course, your first thought is financial viability, especially as you are working to redistribute bills. Don’t worry about the cost, as travel plans made this week for a later date will prove to be successful. The weekend brings exciting exploration to your sex life. A partner is likely to introduce something new and exciting in the bedroom. Go with the flow and try something new. For the single Taurus, this is a great weekend explore self-sexuality. Plan a date night with yourself.
Power colour: Cerise
Gemini (21 May — 20 June)

Gossip around the office makes it difficult to focus this week, and you want to be cautious not to get caught in the crossfire of untruths. Right now, it will be difficult for others you work with to see you for what you truly are and are misinterpreting your body language. On Monday, a discussion with a supervisor about where you see yourself going within the company is expected. Do your best to be as clear and concise as possible. Now is not the time to fill in answers with endless conversation. Over the weekend a double date brings excitement back into a relationship that may have been getting stale. If possible, organize a group outing, even if it isn’t for romantic reasons.
Power colour: Emerald
Cancer (21 June — 20 July)

A disagreement with an extended family member on the 13th sets the tone for your entire week. As the most emotionally receptive sign, dealing with family drama is never easy. However, you must learn to get over petty arguments more quickly. As things at home feel on edge, your professional environment becomes a passion pit. Coworkers or classmates are flagrantly flirting with one another, as romance takes hold. On Wednesday you will find yourself the target of similar romantic advances. These flirtations have a great deal of potential to blossom into a meaningful relationship, especially if you take advantage of a date night on Friday. Over the weekend a surprising change of events at work puts you in charge of a project, team, or initiative.
Power colour: Pale yellow
Leo (21 July — 20 August)

Have you given up on your New Year’s resolution for 2019 yet? Your sector of health and wellness is illuminated this week, and if you’ve resolved to get into shape or lose weight, it’s still not too late to initiate a program. Mercury and Saturn demand perfection, and you are able to be your own best cheerleader. Of course, it’s always easier for Leo when they have an audience, so consider speaking with a friend on Tuesday about motivating each other. Most individuals change their eating pattern and join a gym. However, the typical plan is not likely to be effective for you. Instead, join a team or sports club so you have the opportunity to socialize. Over the weekend an advertisement or recommendation from a friend about an extreme sport will let you know exactly how to tackle your physical fitness.
Power colour: Scarlet
Virgo (21 August — 20 September)

Dream big at home this week and consider how you can either improve or initiate an at- home business. A number of months ago, Hidden Insights discussed how it was time to start planning on turning a hobby into an income. This is the week where those plans can be activated. Don’t worry if you have put off making this a priority. Even if you haven’t spent time planning and developing, you will still be presented with the opportunity this week. A conversation with a professional or friend on Friday will give you the direction and resources you need to embrace a creative home business for extra income. Remember that it is often necessary to spend money in order to make money. On Saturday you will be confronted with the opportunity to invest in the most financially efficient way.
Power colour: Mint green.
Libra (21 September — 20 October)

A very active week at home is on the agenda Libra. It may even seem as though there isn’t enough time in the day to get done everything on your to do list. Jupiter and Neptune make it difficult to focus on one thing at a time, while Saturn’s guilt makes it difficult not to obsess. A roommate or spouse may be giving you a hard time about your responsibilities around the house, and you will be all too quick to point out what they need to do, too. Avoid having this conversation until Thursday, when your mind will be clear and able to put beliefs into perspective. Over the weekend you can expect to spend most of the time out of the house and running errands around town. Your ruling planet inspires a bit of retail therapy. Just be ready to explain to a friend why you don’t have money to go out Saturday evening.
Power colour: Grey
Scorpio (21 October — 20 November)

You have a one-track mind this week, and you are more disciplined than usual. As Mercury and Saturn align in your sector of mental dexterity, you want to hunt out the truth. Others may also find it difficult to lie to you right now, and many will certainly try. You are likely to be called on by a friend or neighbor for your help discerning the truth in a delicate situation. Do your best to consider their feelings and avoid being overly blunt or clinical. A discussion on Thursday with a child or a person significantly younger than you allows you to escape the grind of intense thought. Allow their viewpoint to help soften your racing mind this week. Over the weekend your professional attitude makes it difficult to unwind, and you are due to spend most of Saturday researching, reading, and writing.
Power colour: Pale blue
Sagittarius (21 November — 20 December)

Notoriously independent, you hate to lean on others for assistance. In fact, it is usually you who has to come to the rescue of others. However, this week you will need to swallow some of your pride and lean on others for support. Financial concerns come to a head this week as you scramble to get your money in order. At some point you may need to ask a friend or family member for a loan. At its worst, you may go to utilize a credit or debit card only to find that it has been declined. Do yourself a favour and make certain you are not overdrawing on your accounts. This will spare you the embarrassment in public. Take care of this on Monday when you can move money from a savings account or ask a friend for assistance without delays. Over the weekend, a gathering of friends or family at a party may not seem like something you would be interested in. However, doing this will help lift your spirits, and even refocus what is important in life.
Power colour: Salmon
Capricorn (21 December —20 January)
The first two days of the week get off to a rocky start as an overly critical energy descends on consciousness. This will be particularly evident to Capricorns with siblings. Expect a phone call or visit from a family member dealing with a personal crisis of the mind. In order for them to get over their worry, they will need the rock of stability you can provide. As the week progresses, consider why others always come to you for advice, and if it is having a negative effect on your health. Right now, the Universe wants you to dedicate a special place in your home to your own self-care. Embrace this need over the weekend and shop for an item or two that you can use to bring more balance to your home. This will help keep minor colds and congestion at bay as you become more susceptible over the next several weeks.
Power colour: Salmon
Aquarius (21 January — 20 February)

You may have been feeling as though someone in your life has not been entirely honest with you. While it is never a pleasant feeling to think that a friend is being deceitful, it is important to recognize those feelings. Your ability to get the truth comes early in the week and Tuesday promises to be a productive day for hearing the facts. When this person is ready to open up, be certain to allow them time for a complete explanation. Hearing the entire story will prevent you from jumping to conclusions, which could lead to an explosive scene on Thursday. The romantic energy over the weekend strikes your sector of friends. This may seem to go against the prevailing themes of the week for you, but it provides a healing opportunity. Even if you don’t resolve the issue immediately, you will be presented with the opportunity to resolve and old conflict with a long-time companion.
Power colour: Turquoise
Pisces (21 February —20 March)

Leadership roles rule the week, as you prepare to take charge of an area of life you have previously felt was falling apart. Jupiter’s square to Neptune wipes away any self-doubt you may be carrying about your ability to make changes. An intense conversation with a friend on Monday allows you to break free from a controlling situation. Flattery won’t work this week for those wishing to deceive you. With this clarity it becomes an excellent week to negotiate a large purchase, and you may find that a new piece of furniture, vehicle, or home comes in to focus before the end of the week. A financial boost comes on Friday, which leaves you with extra cash to play with over the weekend. Last minute get togethers, day trips, and parties fill your calendar this weekend, so be certain to take advantage of splurging on a good time.
Power colour: Orange