At Hidden Insights, the week begins with the Sun making a powerful trine to Pluto on Monday, which promises to help us uncover what has been hidden. In general, this energy increases stamina and ambition. The desire to conquer will be palatable, allowing individuals to move beyond personal blockages. As a solar transit, this energy does not last long. Be certain to harness as much as you can before Tuesday.
Both Venus and Mars change signs this week, which promises to have a mellowing effect. As Venus moves into Taurus on Wednesday, she enters her ruling sign. This happy placement allows the world to show physical expressions of love and affection. Taurus rules the five senses, and the next several weeks will be coloured by the desire to indulge in anything pleasurable. Mars changes signs on the same day, moving into Cancer. In the cardinal water sign, Mars gets a chance to cool off. Expect most of the world to be less direct as drives turn inward. Right now it will be difficult to become excited about anything unless it is paired with an emotional trigger. At its worst, an increase in passive aggressive behaviours is likely.
Venus joins Uranus in a beautiful conjunction on Saturday. This brings unexpected romance, and surprising new friends. Current relationships, both platonic and romantic become unpredictable as well. As these two planets join forces in the sign of the bull, relationships that have been in a rut can get a jolt of excitement. Also, financial matters become erratic and unpredictable. It would be a good idea to be cautious of impulse purchases right now, especially with Mars in Cancer.
Astro Homework
This weekĂs homework assignment focus SaturdayĂs Full Moon in Scorpio. The Full Moon illuminates what is hidden, while Scorpio energy loves to uncover secrets. This makes for the perfect combination to unmask hidden truths.
Some years ago, I attended a ritual where the participants made masks. On the outside, we decorated the mask with images of what we present to the world. On the inside, we decorated the mask with what we wanted in our lives to become more public.
This weekend, give this exercise a try by the light of the Full Moon. You don’t even need to go out and purchase an elaborate mask. You can use a piece of paper with two holes and a string to wear over your face. For those of you with little ones, this a great family activity to help uncover hidden talents and truths.
Aries (21 March — 20 April)

You are financially restless this week, Aries, particularly when it comes to your home. Right now you may be itching to redecorate or initiate home improvements. While it is always a good idea to give your living space extra care and attention, be careful not to overdo it. Tuesday brings the opportunity to have a productive heart-to-heart conversation with a loved one. If there has been something you have held of discussing, now is the perfect time to address the issue. Thursday will be your most productive day, and news about income or your personal finances is possible. Over the weekend, the desire to splurge on a friend or loved one will be so overwhelming it may be difficult not to swipe a credit card. Try to remember that it is not lavish gifts or evenings out that win others over.
Lucky Numbers: 2, 21, 24
Taurus (21 April — 20 May)

Venus, your ruling planet, Taurus, changes signs this week and marks the beginning of a particularly beneficial period. Expect to feel and appear more attractive than usual to others, as well as giving off the natural charm. Be careful not to become too obsessed with your appearance right now, or you could miss the opportunity to meet someone new and exciting. As Mars moves into your third house on Wednesday you can expect to feel compelled to voice your opinions in a more aggressive manner, as well as feeling restless for adventure. Expect the rest of the week to be filled with running errands, going for drives or walks, and difficulty sleeping. Over the weekend, you will be surrounded with electrifying energy that draws others towards you. This is a great time to go on a date or rekindle a romance with someone special.
Lucky Numbers: 12, 19, 39
Gemini (21 May — 20 June)

As a social individual, Gemini, it may be difficult for others to understand your need to introvert right now. This week is all about taking time to nurture yourself and honour the importance of solitude. As Mars moves out of your sign and into Cancer on Wednesday and moves into your financial sector. Here you need to be careful of indulging in retail therapy, especially if you don’t have others around to help restrain spending. On Thursday, expect an invitation from a friend you havenĂt seen in a while. Taking time to get out of your own head will be an invaluable benefit for your mental health.
Lucky Numbers: 1, 9, 21
Cancer (21 June — 20 July)

A social and fun-filled week is promised for the sign of the crab, Cancer. On Monday you will have the opportunity to solidify plans with a close friend. However, don’t be surprised if plans change again before the week is over. As Venus moves into your social sector this week, you can anticipate invitations to a number of parties, gatherings, and meetups to fill your date book. This influence will be in effect for the next 3 weeks. Mars moves into your sign on Wednesday giving you a boost of personal confidence and energy to keep moving. This week is the perfect time to stand your ground on topics or issues you feel passionate about. Over the weekend, a surprising display of affection is possible from someone who you thought was only a friend.
Lucky Numbers: 11, 17, 21
Leo (21 July — 20 August)

You’re on top of your game at work this week, Leo, and you will be presented with several opportunities to impress your superiors. If you are a Leo that has been struggling with a chronic illness, you can expect a boost to your immune system. Use this energy to conquer seasonal allergies or reoccurring heartburn. Of course, be certain to consult a medical professional before starting any new regime. Midweek you can anticipate a private matter at work to be revealed. Fortunately, this is not likely to be your secret, but that of another. Do your best to avoid engaging in gossip as a coworker is attempting to set you up. You may be called into work over the weekend or requested to stay later. Be prepared to deal with a minor crisis here.
Lucky Numbers: 10, 19, 26
Virgo (21 August — 20 September)

Mindless routines and mundane chores are difficult for you to focus on this week, Virgo. Right now you crave a break from the ordinary and want to break free from responsibilities. Expect the urge to travel, and don’t be surprised if you find yourself on the last minute road trip, before the end of the week. Now is also the perfect time to plan a vacation. As Mars moves into your eleventh house, be certain to get a group of friends or family together to go along. Group travel is favoured right now, and you may even be on the receiving end of a surprise trip. Over the weekend Venus and Uranus join forces in your house of travel, so don’t expect to be able to sit still. Even if you’re not off on a foreign adventure, youĂll certainly be keeping yourself busy about town.
Lucky Numbers: 5, 22, 29
Libra (21 September — 20 October)

This week is all about promoting yourself, Libra, and making connections with people in power. Tuesday brings this networking energy to the forefront of your brain, and you can easily impress authority figures. However, you do need to be cautious how aggressive you come off, as Mars moving into your tenth house can cause conflict with others. A financial boost is possible on Wednesday, as your burden of debt gets relief. Over the weekend, romance rules as your ruling planet align with Uranus. Expect surprise displays of affection, happy changes to a relationship, and the ability to resolve differences with a loved one.
Lucky Numbers: 4, 18, 28
Scorpio (21 October — 20 November)

It’s time to build on relationships you are currently in, Scorpio. Expect your patience to be tested on Monday, when a disagreement with a close friend or loved one brings a long-hidden issue to a head. Uncomfortable conversations are never easy, but you will feel much better afterwards. As the week progresses, tensions between you and another fade. This is because Venus graces your sector of interpersonal relationships. Here she promises to bring harmony and balance to this area of your life. By Saturday all of the week’s tensions will be completely gone, and you can initiate a new stage or phase in an existing relationship.
Lucky Numbers: 2, 7, 22
Sagittarius (21 November — 20 December)

There’s no better way to start the week than with a boost of self-confidence, Sagittarius. Monday’s harmonious trine between the Sun and Pluto gives has you feeling as though you can conquer the world. You will be able to carry that energy through the week to accomplish more than you thought possible. As Venus moves into your 6th house, and Mars into your 8th a powerful combination of unlimited energy and focus graces your sign for the next several weeks. Now is the time to put your mind to getting everything youĂve put off over the last year accomplished. You could even start your own business under these aspects, with the financial support from others. Over the weekend, expect your hard work and talents to be recognized or honoured by a coworker or supervisor.
Lucky Numbers: 6, 28, 32
Capricorn (21 December — 20 January)

Do you consider yourself an artistic individual, Capricorn? If not, you will be in for a surprise this week as creative self-expression bubbles from within. Play is also featured prominently this week, and you can learn a great deal from those who can enjoy the moment. Pay close attention to children this week, as they will be able to show you how to live carefree. For those of you who have children, they become your central focus, and you will have the opportunity to spend more time with them than usual. On Wednesday Mars moves into your house of partnerships. Ego conflicts are possible now, especially with partners. Be careful not to become too dominating or controlling in your relationships, especially over the weekend.
Lucky Numbers: 2, 3, 7
Aquarius (21 January — 20 February)

As most of the world is hitting the ground running this week, Aquarius, you feel the need to retreat to the quiet solitude of personal space. Taking time to recharge your batteries will be important and it will allow you to focus on improving your home environment. As Venus moves into your sector of home and family, you can expect the second half of the week to be filled with interactions with loved ones. Focus on those you are the closest to, as you may not have been able to give them all the attention they need lately. News that is difficult to accept comes on Thursday, and if you feel uncertain what to do reach out to a family member to help you process what you have learned. Over the weekend, a large gathering at your home may be unavoidable. Remember that you can always excuse yourself for a few moments to collect your thoughts.
Lucky Numbers: 4, 12, 25
Pisces (21 February — 20 March)

You have so much on your mind this week, Pisces, and strokes of genius will hit like bolts of lightning. With so many great ideas in your head, you’re eager to share them with others. Expect those around you to be interested in your ideas, despite what your internal monologue might be telling you. On Wednesday you may be called to mediate a problem, and your quick thinking will help you put both sides into perspective for the opposing parties. As the week continues Mars triggers your house of passion, and you can anticipate feeling more romantic than usual. When the mood strikes, be certain to surprise someone with a romantic evening at home instead of out on the town. It will give the two of you a chance to exchange ideas and really focus on one another.
Lucky Numbers: 11, 13, 23