Founded in 2000, Spiral Nature Magazine is an online magazine focused on Paganism, witchcraft, magick, and occulture – the places where art, music, pop culture, and the arcane connect.
Spiral Nature publishes five to seven new pieces of content per week; ranging from in-depth essays and articles with a critical look at occulture in media, practical how-tos, book and oracle reviews, a weekly astrology column, and regular links column.
Occultniks like you read and love our content — an overlapping audience we share with people who want to buy your products and services. Let us help you connect with them.
Spiral Nature is well indexed on Google, with more than 1,500 pages of content. We publish five to seven posts per week, and our readers are dedicated and engaged. They’re loyal, with 22% returning multiple times each month.
Our average reader profile:
- 54% of you are within the highly desirable 18-34 age range
- Americans make up 57% of our visitors, with the UK, Canada and Australia following
- 22% of readers return multiple times per month
- An average of 1.35 pages is read per session
- 79.2% hail from predominantly English-speaking countries
Spiral Nature has an active presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Twitter, and our content is widely shared.
Our stats as of 31 December 2017:
- 56.8% of visits come from organic Google search
- 14,000 unique readers visit each month
- 52.3% of you are reading this on a mobile device
- 2,000 hits are from other websites linked to us
- 29.5% are here because people shared our content
We offer a variety of advertising opportunities, including:
- Website ads
- Newsletter ads
- Sponsored contests
- Sponsored content
For website ads, each month we send a report with your ad statistics, including the total number of times your ad was viewed, and the number of clicks it received.
Please contact advertising [at] spiralnature [dot] com and see our media kit and more information about our affordable rates.
If you know anyone who would benefit from having their ads on Spiral Nature, please forward this page along to them, or show them our media kit.
Thanks, as always, for your support!