Subject: EVILONE: Info. about dreams…
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 12:03:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: Christopher Parker < cparker15[at]yahoo[dot]com >

Hail all.

It seems that some people aren’t too sure about how the dreaming process goes about itself. There seem to be some misconceptions going about, and I figured, hey, it’s nice to learn something new.

Following is a basic description of the dreaming process:

First of all, when we dream, we are *NOT* in a deep sleep. Our minds are actually very active, and if it weren’t for our body’s paralyzation in REM (Rapid-Eye Movement) sleep, we’d be in deep doo-doo.

When you are awake, your brain emits waves called “alpha waves”. These are very rapid and seemingly sporadic electrical currents racing around in the brain.

When you first lay down to go to sleep, you start to unwind, and your thoughts (hopefully) start to slow down. Your brain should be emitting “beta waves” at around this point. They’re a little slower than the “alpha waves”, but they do still seem a rather bit “sharp” and “jumpy” if you were to see a representation of them on paper. This is Stage 2 sleep. As you drift off into Stage 3 sleep, you start clearing the thoughts away out of your mind. At Stage 4 sleep, your brain shows signs of “delta waves”. These waves look slow, lazy, and pretty regular. This is the deepest, most relaxing sleep someone will ever experience. Believe it or not, this isn’t the important part about sleep!

After a rather short amount of time, your brain starts to shift back into Stage 3 sleep. Not too long after that, Stage 2 sleep. Before long, the brain will be in Stage 1 sleep. Now, when a person is awake, this is called Stage 1, because the person’s brain is pretty active. Stage 1 is where the “alpha waves” are present, when the person is awake. However, when coming from Stage 2 and going into Stage 1, something different happens. The brain still does shift into Stage 1, and “alpha waves” can still be found, but the person is oblivious to their surroundings. The body is paralyzed except for the eyes. The eyes can be seen darting back and forth. This is REM sleep. Any sleep that occurs at any other point in the sleep cycle is called NREM (Non-REM) sleep.

The first REM period lasts for about 15 minutes. Then, the cycle starts over again. The next REM period is a little longer. The next one longer still. Finally, the last REM period can sometimes last from 45-60 minutes. So, as the night progresses, NREM sleep time shortens, and REM sleep time lengthens.

Believe it or not, this altered-Stage 1 is the most important stage in the sleep cycle. The whole entire point of sleep is to dream. Sure, the body rests during sleep, but sleep usually lasts for about 8-10 hours (recommended). The body needs only about an hour to fully rest.

Some theories as to why dreaming is necessary are as follows:

  1. To remove built-up toxins in the brain by the random firing of the brain’s neurons.
  2. To make sense of what happened in the day, and to sort out the brain’s “filing system”.
  3. To solve the day’s problems.

Nightmares that occur outside of REM sleep are called “Incubus Attacks”. They are called so because the body is not paralyzed during NREM sleep, and the person acts out their nightmares. Sometimes they end up biting themselves, throwing themselves across the room, and hitting themselves. Bones can be broken during “Incubus Attacks”. Some occultists say these dreams are caused by malignant presences, others say by people that may be considered enemies. Psychologists will always tell you that they are just nightmares that happened to have occurred outside of one of the REM periods. I guess you can make up your own mind about that one.

Well, sorry about the length of the e-mail. Hope you all have learned something new. :)


Christopher Parker
Infernal Geek
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