Hidden Insights notes the tone this week is set on Sunday, 14 April, with the Sun making a lovely trine to Jupiter, and Venus exaggerating the power of Pluto. The expansive energy of Jupiter is magnified, fortifying our physical bodies, and puts most of the world in an optimistic mood. As Venus makes a sextile to Pluto, a love of power is promised, and many will feel an overwhelming sensation of control over their destiny. Consequently, we may see a number of egos inflated. This will be particularly true of Aries, Sagittarius, and Capricorn.
On Monday, Venus makes her second aspect of the week as she squares Jupiter. Similarly to the first two aspects of the week, this alignment can create an inflated sense of self. Although many will feel they can accomplish anything, there is the danger of taking on more than can be handled. For most of the world, this week will test our capability of moderation. Essentially, self-discipline is thrown out the window, and if we are not careful, overindulgence will be our own worst enemy.
Mercury changes signs this week and moves into Aries on Wednesday. Previously, Mercury had been in subtle Pisces, allowing the world to reflect and follow their intuition. Now, in the cardinal fire sign, words become harsh, direct, and filled with passion. As minds race and thoughts fly, it may be difficult for people to focus on one task too long, so it is not an ideal time to finish projects. It is, however, a fantastic period to initiate new goals and start new plans of action. It is always important to remember that travel becomes erratic during this period, and more instances of road rage and speeding accidents occur. Be alert and remain focused while travelling the next 4 weeks.
Astro Homework:
This week’s homework assignment focuses on the power of Friday’s Full Moon in Libra. This is the second Full Moon in Libra this year, with the first occurring on March 20th. The first Moon brought a focus on our interpersonal relationships, and for many, this was a time to affirm love. This Moon is in the last degree of Libra, which is known as a challenging degree.
For many, this lunation may bring about the fall of a romantic relationship, or friendship, due to ego conflicts and pride. Your assignment is to focus this energy on repairing a broken or strained relationship. The Moon in Libra is fond of pink and blue. Burn candles these
Aries (21 March – 20 April)

A long journey is possible this week, Aries, as the Sun trines Jupiter in your 9th house of travel. Even if you don’t make an actual journey, it is highly likely you will plan one at this time. A joyous change at work on Monday will leave you feeling optimistic about your current position. To clarify, this is a great time to network and build strong professional connections. Mercury moves into your sign on Wednesday, bringing travel, communication, and mental dexterity to the forefront of your consciousness. The next several weeks will be filled with a great deal of movement, important conversations, and excitement. Don’t plan on sitting still for long right now, particularly over the weekend as you race the clock to get to an appointment on time.
Power Colour: Violet
Taurus (21 April – 20 May)

You have a powerful urge to retreat, Taurus, despite the extroverted energy in the world now. A physical ailment may be on your mind early in the week, and you can’t help but feel defeated. Fortunately, you are not defeated, as this is an important part of your physical and spiritual body’s healing. A surprise gift on Tuesday lifts your spirits, and you can be indulgent. On Wednesday, Mercury will move into your 12th house of introversion, which emphasizes your need to retreat. The next 4 weeks will be a period of reflection. Try to get the occasional nap to recharge your batteries. Friday’s Full Moon strikes your 6th house of health and wellness. Anxieties from earlier this week will be lifted, and you can expect a new cycle to begin. Don’t be surprised if a friend, or relative, invites you to the gym, or take a health-related class.
Power Colour: Gold
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

Your romantic life gets a boost this week, Gemini, as Jupiter is activated. If you are currently in a committed relationship, you can expect to benefit from affection and play. For Geminis who are currently single, this can signal the opportunity to meet someone exciting. However, you need to be cautious of an office romance right now. Flirting or initiating a relationship with a coworker at this time will end in professional problems. Your ruling planet changes signs this week, and in Aries, you will be much more talkative than usual. Expect your mind to work faster than your mouth, and at times it may be difficult to form words. Romance rules again over the weekend as this month’s Full Moon promises a night of unbridled passion if you are open to the experience.
Power Colour: Crimson
Cancer (21 June – 20 July)

Most of the world seems to be only interested in play when you are hyper-focused on your responsibilities, Cancer. It may be difficult to get others to be as productive or practical as you right now. Don’t apply too much pressure to others, especially early in the week. They won’t be interested in going along, and it would be an exercise in futility. As Mercury moves into your house of professional success, your mind and actions focus on your reputation. The next 4 weeks bring opportunity to make professional connections that will improve your career. In short, you will also be able to express yourself more clearly to individuals in positions of power. This is a great time to advocate for a raise or apply for new employment. Over the weekend, the Full Moon illuminates your 4th house of home, and tension in this area may come to a head.
Power Colour: Moss
Leo (21 July – 20 August)

Creativity flows by the quart from your veins this week, Leo. You are itching to create, and you’re not entirely sure what it is. To get yourself started to take a stroll around your local craft store for a few ideas. While your ruling planet is the Sun, don’t shy away from the darker artistic expressions. It may even help you work towards releasing a few of your inner anxieties. On Wednesday, you should anticipate new or exciting news related to an upcoming trip. For a select few, this will manifest as an announcement from an institute of higher learning. Prepare yourself for a high paced weekend as the Full Moon promises to keep you on the go. Therefore, stay focused on one errand at a time to avoid running yourself in circles.
Power Colour: Turquoise
Virgo (21 August – 20 September)

Harmony comes to your home this week, Virgo. Its almost as though a booster shot of optimism was injected into your household. Early in the week, you will be busy getting your rooms in order and possibly preparing for a gathering at the end of the week. Even if you don’t have an event planned, it might be a good idea to prepare. This will save you from embarrassment if there is a last minute party. Your ruling planet changes signs this week and moves into your house of debt and illness. Subsequently, the next several weeks may bring important conversations related to medical bills, procedures, and budgeting. This will be an excellent time to put this area of your life in order successfully. Happy financial news arrives over the weekend, which should put some of Mercury’s anxieties at ease.
Power Colour: Emerald
Libra (21 September – 20 October)

If you’ve ever been on a rollercoaster, you’ll be all too familiar with this week’s energy, Libra. Intensity rules Monday and Tuesday as you are caught in a flurry of responsibilities before everything comes to a head on Wednesday. By Thursday you can ride all of your hard work out through the rest of the week. Now that Mercury is moving through your house of partnerships, your focus shifts from your work, to your romantic life. During the next four weeks bring the chance to have deep and meaningful conversations with others and strengthen your relationships. Friday’s Full Moon occurs in your sign, and those born October 19th and 20th will feel it with the most intensity. Your closest relationships are highlighted right now, and you can expect a sudden change in a significant relationship over the weekend.
Power Colour: Pink
Scorpio (21 October – 20 November)

A happy boost to your bank account is anticipated this week, Scorpio, setting the stage for the feeling of financial confidence. However, Jupiter is in play and you need to be cautious to avoid overspending. If necessary, ask a friend or partner to help you budget. In the most extreme cases, it might be a good idea to have someone hold your bank card for you right now. On Wednesday Mercury shifts into your 6th house, which is its natural ruler. Here you will have an opportunity to learn a new skill, so be prepared to tackle a new project over the next four weeks. Fridays Full Moon strikes your house of secrets. Anticipate the opportunity to share a secret that has been eating away at you before the weekend is over.
Power Colour: Midnight Blue
Sagittarius (21 November – 20 December)

This week is about physical and emotional healing, Sagittarius. It’s time to get more in tune with your body. Typically, you are consumed with being on the go and don’t have a moment to breathe. You may feel as though you have an endless amount of activities you want to do, however, now is not the week to do them. Instead, spend time finding your spiritual centre. Try a guided meditation or sign up for yoga class. By the end of the week, your body will thank you. Mercury’s passage through your 5th house Wednesday gives you an opportunity to flirt and initiate a new chapter in your romantic life. However, you’ll want to wait a week before stepping outside comfort zones. Friday’s Full Moon is an auspicious one, as it falls in your house of wishes. Used properly, you can find a way to manifest a dream you’ve had.
Power Colour: Mint Green
Capricorn (21 December – 20 January)

Your home is your sanctuary this week, Capricorn, if possible you should take a much-needed rest from your busy schedule. You may even want to consider how you can transform a space in your house dedicated to relaxation, for instance. As you attempt to escape from the world, don’t be surprised if you receive an unexpected phone call on Tuesday or Wednesday from a friend with juicy gossip. It may be tempting to share the secret, but you would do best to stay silent for now. As Mercury enters your 4th house this week you can expect a series of visitors to your door. You may also be overwhelmed with phone calls that interrupt your quiet reflection. Visitors don’t appear to slow down over the weekend, as you can expect family and friends to be coming and going all weekend.
Power Colour: Magenta
Aquarius (21 January – 20 February)

Aquarius, most of your week will be spent working collaboratively with groups of individuals, which will flow smoothly. Monday brings the opportunity to take charge and exercise your powers of leadership. A stirring excitement builds inside you through the week as your mind is busy with big ideas you think can make you successful. Moreover, now is the time to share these ideas with those who can assist you in achieving your goals. As Mercury moves into your house of communication, it may be difficult for you to keep anything to yourself. Expect the next four weeks to be filled with active conversations with friends and neighbours. Over the weekend you may be called to finalize travel plans, or at the very least make confirm a reservation.
Power Colour: Silver
Pisces (21 February – 20 March)

Your status and reputation get a boost this week, Pisces, as you are set to make a good impression with an important person or entity. Certainly, don’t allow your anxiety about saying the right thing overwhelm you. The Universe is on your side, and it will be impossible to put a wrong foot forward. Your financial situation comes into focus midweek as Mercury moves into your house of money. Important conversations regarding money begin to become increasingly important. Don’t hold any worry about finances inside right now. Lean on others for support. Fortunately, Fridays Full Moon illuminates your house of debt, which will help clear the way for the budget you have been stressing over. Over the weekend, you are due to enjoy a happy event with friends and family that may last long into the night.
Power Colour: Orange