At Hidden Insights, we note a relaxed start to the week blesses the Earth as very little planetary activity is present in the heavens. However, midweek the sky will activate a series of transits designed towards excitement and to relieve tension. On Wednesday, the Sun will make a sextile to Pluto and a square to Jupiter. These two events trigger the ability to exercise power and strength over difficult situations. It also promises success in business. This is a great day to tackle problems that may have previously seemed insurmountable, and for individuals to embrace their inner leader. Even with Mercury still in retrograde, gains can be made.
Thursday promises to be a day filled with exciting conversations and possibly a number of important announcements and apologies to clarify confusion from individuals in positions of authority, as the Sun joins forces with Mercury. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, it will not be easy to correct or clarify conversations or statements that have gone wrong. As Mars makes its trine to Saturn, the advances from those who wish to make amends intensifies. It may be best to accept apologies this week, and address your concerns at a later date.
Over the weekend, Mercury makes a series of retrograde aspects to Jupiter and Pluto. Communications will be fuelled by passion, and lack reason and practicality. Minds will race, and it may be difficult to focus on any one task for too long. Explosive arguments are also likely to occur, which will centre around issues that friends, family, or partners insist on bringing up from the past. If caution is not exercised, many will end up saying things that they wish could be taken back.
Astro Homework
This week’s homework assignment focuses on the productive power of Mars making a sextile to Saturn on the Thursday, 14 March. Do your best to make this the most productive day of the week, as motivations and resources will seem limitless. Ancient astrologers considered these two planets to be the most malefic planets in the heavens. For this reason, it is also auspicious to say prayers, cast spells, or set intentions to supreme protection. With all the harshness that was written about these planets, we cannot ignore their ability to provide protection.
Aries (21 March — 20 April)

Your reputation will be put to the test this week, Aries, and you are up for the challenge. Be cautious of how you present yourself on social media, particularly on Wednesday. Someone may attempt to bring up something from your past to get you to engage in an argument. As your ruling planet joins forces with Saturn on Thursday, you will notice a boost in your productivity. This will allow you to make a positive impression at work, thrusting you up another ring in the corporate ladder. This weekend’s tension comes to your sector of law and authority. You would do best to avoid making any rash decisions on the road. You will be inclined to speeding tickets and conflict with those in positions of power over you.
Patronus: Fox
Taurus (21 April — 20 May)

Your closest friends feature prominently in your life this week, Taurus, and seem to be popping up out of nowhere. Even friends you have not heard from or spoken to in quite some time, will make an appearance. Take time to enjoy catching up, and avoid bringing up past disagreements, even if you are inclined to try to finally resolve them. News about a friend’s financial misfortune comes your way midweek. If you feel inclined to send or loan money, be aware that you will not get it back. Any money you give now should be treated as a gift, not a loan. Over the weekend, a philosophical debate with a friend has the potential to escalate quickly. Do your best to remember that it is ok to be friends with those who have vastly different philosophical and political beliefs.
Patronus: Cockatoo
Gemini (21 May — 20 June)

Financial cutbacks or layoffs at work may be announced this week, Gemini, and the uncertainty of how the change might affect you are difficult to ignore. As your ruling planet is still in retrograde, you may want to expect an adjustment at work, though it is not likely to be as catastrophic as you fear. Instead, focus on how the changes that occur are setting you up to make pleasant gains later in the year. You are gifted with flexibility, embrace that right now so you can be rewarded by a supervisor later. Friday’s square between Mercury and Jupiter may rock the boat in your romantic life. It might be a good idea to reschedule any date nights you may be planning for Saturday.
Patronus: Polar bear
Cancer (21 June — 20 July)

Your interpersonal relationships are challenged this week, Cancer, and power struggles may make it difficult for you to focus on what is really important. Now is the time for you to review who you value in life, and who no longer serves your highest good. On Thursday, you get a romantic boost, and it is possible for those born under the sign of the Crab to meet an exciting new friend or potential partner. This is also a day when an important conversation with a friend from overseas, teacher, or religious leader brings exciting news. You may even receive an invitation to travel. Friday will be your most busy day this week, and you will find yourself trying to make time to get everything done. It might be best to admit that you cannot complete everything all at once.
Patronus: Rhinoceros
Leo (21 July — 20 August)

Most of the week is going to feel like you just received a booster shot of confidence and energy, Leo. You may even notice that you feel healthier, and concerned with how to maintain or improve this area of your life. This increase in energy is good for your sexual life as well Leo, and Wednesday may bring an evening of exciting passion. However, you may want to be cautious if you do not wish to procreate, as the Lion is particularly fertile this week. In the last half of the week, you will have the opportunity to adjust, consolidate, or refinance a loan. While it is often not advisable to make any new commitments during a Mercury retrograde, you can benefit from this opportunity if you read everything twice before signing.
Patronus: Elephant
Virgo (21 August — 20 September)

Love and affection flow easily towards you this week, Virgo, as your most intimate relationships are highlighted. Early in the week, you feel inspired to do something romantic for your love interest, partner, or spouse. Be certain to initiate this gesture before Wednesday to ensure it will be received most effectively. Thursday brings intense and dynamic energy to your home that may surround children or pets. It may be up to you to resolve a conflict or mediate an argument. Over the weekend you feel the need to have an important conversation with someone you live with. This is not the right time to be critical with others. If you do, it is certain to end in hurt feelings.
Patronus: Red panda
Libra (21 September — 20 October)

Health and well being dominate your thoughts and conversations this week, Libra, and it may be time to schedule a check-up or annual physical. On Wednesday, a change at home requires you to adjust your routine. You naturally enjoy order, and likely have a strict morning or evening routine. Unfortunately, the change this week is not an option. While it may feel uncomfortable, try to step outside of your comfort zone and learn to love a new way of doing things. A tense conversation on Thursday with a coworker makes you question their motives. It is impossible to understand others right now, and you should not jump to conclusions. A series of meetings, phone conversations, and social interactions rule your weekend. Don’t expect to get much rest, as everyone will be vying for your attention.
Patronus: Dolphin
Scorpio (21 October — 20 November)

Creative juices flow this week, Scorpio, as you are inspired to think outside the box, and create something beautiful. Perhaps you are inspired to plant a garden, redecorate your home, or finally invest in a paint set. No matter how it manifests, you need to follow your intuition and jump right in. Now is not the time to dig and research the best methods. Let loose and have fun. You will be surprised what you can create. Keep an eye out on Thursday for the flirtations of others. You are the object of someone’s affection and if you become too wrapped up in your work, you’ll miss the opportunity to engage in a romantic activity. Over the weekend, a potentially expensive purchase has you second guessing your ability to budget properly. As long as you don’t continue to spend large amounts of money, you can quickly replenish your savings account.
Patronus: Ferret
Sagittarius (21 November — 20 December)

Your home becomes the central hub of activity this week, Sagittarius, and at times it may feel like Grand Central Station. Try not to let others take advantage of your hospitality, or you may find yourself spending money you don’t have on others. Used productively, you can play host to a number of fun gatherings with friends. Resist the urge to indulge in rich foods on Wednesday, as your appetite is due to expand beyond control. Exercise restraint, and if necessary measure portions carefully. Towards the end of the week, you will begin to reach for the freedom of solitude, and may even find yourself going for a drive on your own. These brief moments of solitude will help revitalize you for the busy and social weekend you have planned.
Patronus: Squirrel
Capricorn (21 December — 20 January)

Most of the week your thoughts will be spent reminiscing about the past, Capricorn, and dreaming about the future. Tuesday and Wednesday are your busiest days this week, and you will find yourself continuously on the go. However, don’t expect to be anywhere on time. You instinctively feel you are on the verge of a major change in your life, and are eager to see what is next. Inspiration strikes like a bolt of lightning on Thursday when the Sun and Mercury align in your 3rd house. This gives you the clarity about your future and life’s direction that has escaped you over the last 2 years. An important conversation at the end of the week with a family member gives you the support you need to finalize a series of important plans. Map out your plans now, but don’t make any changes until the end of March.
Patronus: Kangaroo
Aquarius (21 January — 20 February)

Early in the week you will need to address what you value most in life, Aquarius. This is due to a series of memories from your past that you are reflecting on. While you may attempt to reach out to friends and family for help, this is something you must unravel on your own. The review of your past will help you plan for your future, with emphasis on your financial future. An uneasy conversation on Thursday about money gives you a great deal of information to digest. Making a plan for your own financial independence becomes important, and it will be friends who can give you the best advice. Over the weekend, spend time in solitude and give yourself time to disconnect from the outside world.
Patronus: Partridge
Pisces (21 February — 20 March)

Both the Sun and Mercury are busy this week in your sign, Pisces, making a series of aspects to heavy planets in your tenth and eleventh houses. Your career and professional connections become important. Expect the opportunity to engage in networking activities where you can meet influential individuals. As you focus on your professional reputation, don’t miss the opportunity to sell your skills to advance your career. Thursday’s conjunction between the Sun and Mercury in your sign shines a light of focus on you as an individual. Take time to enjoy being the centre of attention, and use it to your advantage. Over the weekend, professional success continues to bless your immediate environment making it a great time to apply for a new position and make plans to make a change in career.
Patronus: Horse