Mother Mary Oracle App, by Alana Fairchild, illustrated by Shiloh Sophia McCloud
Oceanhouse Media, Inc., application, 44 cards, 2018
When I was offered a divination app to try, I was a little reluctant. I am tech savvy, but I don’t like to overuse my personal digital device. I view digital devices as tools, and thought it was contradictory to use a work device for sacred practice, a social media tool for a conversation with the divine. To say the least, I was doubtful and somewhat inclined to dislike the product before trying it. But the Mother Mary Oracle App by Alana Fairchild has performed a miracle, transforming my prejudice and winning me over.
I admit, I am a bit old school. I like books — the feel and smell of paper, the solid weight in my hands, and how I can lay the book across my chest and contemplate the meaning of what I have just read.
When it comes to divination techniques, I am tactile. I like cards, stones and finite objects which interact with my essential energy in the divination process. I love to shuffle the tarot deck, feeling the cards shift in my hands, hearing the swish and click. And then, when I lay the deck down and spread it wide, I am entranced as I run my hand across the spread feeling for the pull of energy. When I was in university I regularly carried a felt bag of rune stones in my knapsack, consulting the oracle regularly for myself and friends. Later, a tiny bag of angel cards became my constant companion, fitting in a small pouch they were mobile, easy to carry and offered one word direction. At home I have Louise Hay’s Wisdom Cards out in my kitchen. Most days I pick one and contemplate its meaning. I love decks and cards.
Once downloaded, the app’s icon appeared on my iPhone as an artistically rendered picture of Mother Mary’s face surrounded by a shroud of roses. In fine type below it reads simply “Mother Mary.” One tap of this icon takes me quickly to a close up the picture, which I assume is the cover of the deck. It lists the name of the deck, the author, the app producer and the publishing house. I admit I was surprised not to see the name of the illustrator, Shiloh Sophia McCloud, on the title page because the illustrations are lush, beautiful and divinely feminine. They are perhaps the most engaging part of the deck.
The artwork by Shiloh Sophia McCloud is lush and full of rich colours, each one presenting a different face of Mother Mary. The production of the Mother Mary Oracle into app format was undertaken by Beauty Everywhere, a young company whose focus is on turning uplifting material which “will help you live a more beautiful life” into app formats. And how fitting, since the illustrations are beautiful, each and every one.

And, surprise! I love having a divination tool app on my phone. I have enjoyed the portability, taking it everywhere I go. While fretting over a medical issue in a waiting room, I drew card 43, Our Lady of Comfort. “I am by your side with love, protection and guidance. Always,” the card counselled. The picture on the card was of Mother Mary (in her blue robes and wearing her sacred heart) holding another woman (me, maybe) who has her eyes closed. Feeling uncertain and somewhat afraid, the message of the card enabled me to let go of feeling all alone, and feel the certainty of deep comfort while I waited.
Not only have I used the Mother Mary Oracle App many time with great resonance, but I have also engaged a number of friends to do a one card pull from the deck, and each one found deep resonance in the card which came to them. Days after the death of her father, my friend drew “Our Lady of Resurrection.” With a sharp inhale, she read part of the message aloud: “If we can mourn these deaths, give them proper attenttion and due acknowledgement, grieving in whatever way is respectful and truthful, then those deaths become sacred sacrifices on the altar of new life.”
Not only has the Mother Mary Oracle been completely engaging, capturing attention with gorgeous art in rich lush colours, but it has spoken very deeply to the mind, emotions, spirit and soul of everyone I have shared it with.
The Mother Mary Oracle App is luminous, engaging, attuned and deeply moving. I recommend it highly and envision you using as I am: joyfully, bringing Mother Mary’s messages of healing and help to friends, family and sacred circle. May Mother Mary bless you.