Welcome to the week of the wild woman with Hidden Insights!
I say this because there is a Full Moon in Taurus on Monday, 13 November 2016. Taurus is ruled by sensual, artistic, feminine Venus. In keeping such a close eye on the planets, I’m often struck by how masculine so many of our planetary influencers are. But this week, we have a double-dose of feminine power starting things off.
What better time to connect with the Goddess, the Earth, and all of its beauty, love, and abundance? Plus, this is a supermoon, meaning that this Full Moon will be closer to us, increasing its potency.
This Full Moon is a wonderful time to reconnect to your body, your self-worth, your sense of love and compassion, and your definition of success and abundance. With Taurus’s earth energy keeping us firmly rooted, this is a time to focus on intentions that can be made into tangible goals:
How much money would you like to be making? What kind of work would you like to be doing? How would you like to feel in your body? What kind of partner would you like to attract?
Since Full Moons are powerful times for release work, this week can bring the opportunity to let go of any limiting beliefs around what you think you can and can’t have. Remembering that we are still under Scorpio’s transformative reign, perhaps it’s time to re-imagine a different kind of future for yourself, rather than basing current goals upon past needs or expectations that you need to now surpass.
Even if you’re not looking to set any firm intentions this week, the Full Moon in Taurus is a great time to deepen your connection to earth magick and the divine feminine, in celebration of the beauty and wonder of Venus and the Moon.
Here’s a look at what’s coming up for your sign this week:
Aries (21 March — 19 April)
To quote the late Janis Joplin: “Don’t compromise yourself. You are all you’ve got.” I think these are words to take to hear this week, Aries. With Mars now moving through lofty, eccentric Aquarius, you might be feeling a little more daring and idealistic than usual. Don’t back down on your ideas this week — even if you have to sell them to yourself first. A breakthrough is on the horizon that could potentially change how you work with and relate to others. But you’ll have to stay open-minded in order to recognize it in the first place.
Your goddess of the week: Artemis
Taurus (20 April — 20 May)
In the early 1960s, George Plimpton said of artist Vali Myers: ”She is the symbol and plaything of the restless, confused, vice enthralled demi-monde that was the personalization of something torn and loose and deep down primitive in all of us.” What might be coming loose within you, Taurus? I don’t ask this to scare you — no. This question is meant to activate a secret wilderness, an entry to your own magic that can be perfectly unleashed with this week’s supermoon. You might want to think back to what was being set in motion in the spring, when the New Moon in Taurus rolled around. There could be hints in there of what the future has in store for you, and what it’s time to unleash in order to make it happen.
Your goddess of the week: Baba Yaga
Gemini (21 May — 20 June)
To quote Kate Bush: “You don’t need no crystal ball, don’t fall for a magic wand. We humans got it all, we perform the miracles.” I think you’re going to be following a similar frame of mind this week, Gemini. In fact, I see you tapping into your smarts and senses in a way that has you uncovering a whole new set of answers to your own mysteries. Be prepared to uncover some important insights about yourself and your place in this world. The power you tap into in the days and weeks ahead can reshape what you consider your heart and home.
Your goddess of the week: Psyche
Cancer (21 June — 22 July)
To quote Stevie Nicks: “There is always magic to be summoned at any point.” I hope you’ll be inspired to carry this quote with you this week, Cancer. Or at least designate a talisman or power thought to hold onto in the coming days. Because this week is offering you a portal through which to step through and create your own magick. What are you ready to wish for? What are you hoping the universe will lend its support to? I highly recommend that you move forward now with renewed faith in yourself, and the magick that surrounds you.
Your goddess of the week: Isis
Leo (23 July — 22 August)
To quote Chrissie Hynde: “Confidence is usually a bluff — if you’re lucky you might have it, but frankly nobody will know the difference.” Leo, as a fire sign you’re rarely short on confidence, but sometimes even you have to fake it till you make it. There’s something that the universe is asking for you to reach for now. It feels like it’s just outside of your grasp, but not unattainable. Listen to any yearnings for change in terms of how others perceive you, personally and professionally. This will give you a clue as to what’s within reach. An old image of you has got to shift now. You have new impressions to make. Don’t let the transition from here to there throw you off.
Your goddess of the week: Ostara
Virgo (23 August — 22 September)
To quote Beyoncé: “I felt like it was time to set up my future, so I set a goal. My goal was independence.” Virgo, what you want to set up for the future? Hint: Make it personal. Make it about you. While it might be tempting to share your goals, and while you might feel obligated to continuously give of yourself to those closest to you, this week’s Full Moon asks that you make a private promise that you can keep just for you. What are you ready to devote a little piece of yourself to? What would you like to create that can be all yours?
Your goddess of the week: The Morrigan
Libra (23 September — 22 October)
To quote Frida Kahlo: “Nothing is absolute. Everything changes, everything moves, everything revolves, everything flies and goes away.” I think this is a philosophy that might be helpful for you to adopt this week, Libra, because I think you’re going to feel a deep need to see beyond the veils of tradition, societal expectation, and industrial constructs. I can see you questioning the values that others have imposed upon you. I can see you crawling towards a new kind of freedom where success and freedom are intrinsically linked, but they may not look the way the average Joe expects them to. Throw away the rules this week, Libra. It’s time to write your own.
Your goddess of the week: Hecate
Scorpio (23 October — 21 November)
To quote Anais Nin: “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” This week feels like a crescendo of intensity, Scorpio, though I don’t think it has to be painful at all. Instead, I see you find a way to gain a greater sense of control over what you are bringing into this world — everything from the presence you carry when you enter a room to the art you make to the words you speak — and using those attributes to rise above the din of the everyday. What is starting to feel stale and mundane for you? What edges are you compelled to blur? Pick away at it this week, Scorpio, and don’t be surprised it all comes tumbling down.
Your goddess of the week: Gaia
Sagittarius (22 November — 22 December)
To quote Joan Jett: “Make your own victories. Make your own mistakes.” Who do you tend to listen to, Sagittarius? Who’s the first person you call to help you make a tough decision? What kind of guidance do you often give credence to? This week, I want you to ask yourself if your mentors and supporters still have your best interests at heart. Even if you find that they never steer you wrong, I suggest you lose their numbers — at least for a little while. In the coming weeks, I think there’s a decision that only you can make the final call on — one that may feel like a big, frightening step, but that will ultimately bring a sweeter victory if you allow yourself to go out on a limb without anyone’s blessing to begin with.
Your goddess of the week: Demeter
Capricorn (22 December — 19 January)
To quote Emily Bronte: “I’ll walk where my own nature would be leading… where the wild wind blows on the mountain-side.” Where is your own nature leading you to, Capricorn? With your ruler, Saturn, still in Sagittarius, with Mars recently passing through your sign, you’ve had a lot of cosmic energy to fire you up. What’s been set afire within? What has that flame revealed about yourself, your aspirations, and your path ahead? Capricorn sometimes gets a reputation for being a stickler for the rules, but there’s nothing that says you need to adhere to that assumption. So what does your wild unknown look like right now?
Your goddess of the week: Aradia
Aquarius (20 January — 18 February)
To quote Margaret Cho: “I’m not going to die because I failed as someone else. I’m going to succeed as myself.” If you succeed as yourself, who might that be, Aquarius? I would like to give you a bit of homework this week: Write down your most prominent attributes. Remember that even things you perceive as flaws can work in your favour. For example, you might not be very good at staying organized, but you could be madly creative. Maybe you think the lack of organization holds you back, but does it? Maybe it just makes more time and space for your ideas to flow. You decide what works for you, and what you want to carry forward into the future.
Your goddess of the week: Nut
Pisces (19 February — 20 March)
To quote Patti Smith: “Where does it all lead? What will become of us? These were our young questions, and young answers were revealed. It leads to each other. We become ourselves.” Who are you becoming through your relationships, Pisces? How are the people in your life influencing you? What do they reflect back about your choices, decisions, and direction? This week’s Full Moon has the potential to illuminate some key relationships that are either helping or harming you. Don’t fight to hang on to what is no longer serving you, Pisces. This Moon can bring a pivotal time where you can invite in the shift you need in your friendships and partnerships.
Your goddess of the week: Venus